the performance last night was both excellent and upsetting. the music was great, but my interpretation of it was as an extremely leftist political statement - especially the last sentence, which is what convinced the others that it was exactly the opposite. we argued a bit, and that carried over into first coffee this morning. that discussion ended with an agreement that what israelis (on an individual level) need to do in order to begin solving their problems (on a national level) is to begin to operate on the basis that "a man's word is his bond".
the general attitude of allowing things to slide is a big, fat root of most of our issues.
the day began with hillman
my feet and legs hurt sporadically today, and my temples have been aching. i need a massage (head and feet), and i need a holiday. come on! only three weeks to go :) [and my mum called me up for a quick chat, and plans are moving forward]
a girl in our section got promoted today, and we convinced her to step outside so that we could drench her with water. that was fun, even with her consent :)
the food in the mess was surprisingly good today!
i was kidding around with the guys about my attitude towards tel aviv - i love the city, and i don't see the point of leaving it. not ever, just in general. it's not like i'm not familiar with the rest of the country... anyway, my morning ride - who has no apparent sense of humour - got pissed off with me and began shouting at me for "marketing" the city so aggressively and for living in a bubble.
i explained to him that we're all living in our own private fantasy worlds, and the difference between us is that i'm aware of it.
i got my passport back today - registered mail is a far smoother experience if you go to the local branch and pick it up yourself. i can now visit the states, so i might hop over for a few days next year :)
the horror! my primary hard drive has disappeared. it looks like a hardware problem. i'm not happy. having internet without a hard disk is weird.
just before leaving, urchin arrived and we had The Chat, which was alright and somewhat amusing. if things aren't alright, we've agreed that it's nothing *i* need to worry about. i can handle that :P
i missed the bus. waiting for the next one sucked.
i just got back from tamar eisenman and asaf avidan - her performance was fantastic, but their duets were absolutely unbelievable! mindblowing ^_^
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