
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


wow! my sister called me this afternoon, and it's been coloured shiny since ^_^

my desk is stationed 2m forward right now, while the electrician puts in a power panel for it. in the meanwhile, i thought i'd get the day down before attacking hillman for the first time in weeks.

i think the breaks in between are good processing time, actually.

i awoke from a long, complex dream this morning, and all i remember from it is traversing rapids over a waterfall directly into the ocean, with dirk diggler and myself on boards or in a canoe or something. no stress, just the knowledge that we had no choice but to keep on moving.

i had trouble closing the shuttle door today. new vehicle, and i simply can't understand why anybody would place the handle in a not-immediately-apparent place when opening a door is a function that has a pretty well-established interface.

the first thing waiting for me in my inbox this morning was a presentation from the base's education office. it was all well and good, until i found myself staring at this month's astrological column - let's just say that i didn't really expect to see that sort of thing in a military communication, albeit an informal one. let's just say that my response was short, but to the point. just to make things "balanced", i even pointed out that fortune-telling is banned by both the written and the oral jewish traditions :p

i was blown away today by the work. it wasn't particularly challenging, but the fact that i was doing some real coding was in and of itself so engaging that i had no difficulty concentrating, and powered through almost everything in one sitting.
in other words, i can squarely lay the majority of my difficulties at work at the feet of my inability to find proper motivation.

and we all know where *that's* supposed to come from...

i paid the doctor a visit (i saw the reminder late, and had to abandon a freshly made cup of chai). in addition to authorizing the bloodwork i requested, he checked out my eyes and agreed that it's probably just exhaustion.

i'm sure i could do something about that, but then i'd have to skip things like the rock concert tonight and tamar eisenman and asaf avidan tomorrow. no way!

i changed the way i did sit-ups today, and felt them more. that reminds me, we have a number of new kids now and the atmosphere has become one of change - i can almost feel the clock winding down on my service, even if i do still have a ways to go...

"bt - flaming june" has provided an intensely pleasurable background for this post - i'm happy and excited about the up-and-coming holiday ^_^

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