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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

my day on wheels. and nitroglycerine.

right now, i feel like crap. i woke up at 5.20am to sip some water, slept another half an hour, then got up and ready for the hospital.

i arrived there on time, and only had to wait an hour and a half to see the doctor. the american woman, very sweet, explained the procedure (which was slightly less insidious than the article i'd read made out), hooked me up, strapped me in and raised the bed to 70o.

for between half an hour to forty-five minutes my blood pressure was checked and she asked me all sorts of personal questions (nothing offensive, but not medical), and just as i began to feel a little shaky - vision blurring a bit and that sort of thing - she put drops of nitroglycerin under my tongue and a short while later i passed out.

it's an ugly, ugly feeling.

they wouldn't let me go until i'd cease to look deathly. i took the bus to the city officer, was told that the court-martial threat i'd received from the clinic i went to in october was irrelevant, and then marched off to shinto for a decent breakfast.

i paid a visit to a few friends at my original base, it was nice to see them and amusing to see the reactions to my new rank, and then i left for my current base.

i arrived on base at 4pm, having had to walk around it because the geniuses have now closed our gate permanently (and of course, nobody told me). so i made it to work in time to clean the office (it was my turn), check some of my mail and then leave again.

i've been feeling absolutely horrible, with a terrible headache, since i finished cleaning. i'm going to bed now.

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