
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

by the home i want

i've resorted to using the internet cafe by the may apartment because our router's buggered. funnily enough, as i logged in someone from our service provider called, so now i have to be home in an hour to sort that out.

the big news for the day is that the kid left. it's been surreal this week, watching him prep for the big journey, and now that it's happened i'm kinda disbelieving. our flatmate's begun moving into his old room, and i have yet to meet the new girl.


we went out to subkuch milega (or however it's written) last night, i was tired and the good food and chai made me really sleepy. i'd had my eyes closed for minute or two when one of the dog's friends from our first base recognized me and came over to chat.

i find it unbelievable how someone can be so very boring, and completely unaware of other people's lack of interest. he just kept going and going, on and on. his friends must have been pleased of the break 'cause they jumped up to go play pool, and mine couldn't figure out what he was selling.

and me having difficulty keeping my eyes open. that sucked somewhat.

this morning saw me finishing off the last of the tidying, i have another two bags to donate but my life's more or less organized.

i just remembered, i emergency-shaved last night just to stop itching, but i left everything above my neck - the kid remarked that i look like a bushwacker from the 90's wwf, and i gotta admit that when i do their gorilla walk even *i* see a resemblance.

great, the mouse just died. i hate internet cafe's. i just remembered that when i left the apartment earlier i got to see a cat chasing and catching a mouse.

i watched back to the future, saw the kid off and put on my blades, had a good go in the park and stopped by coffeeholic for breakfast on the way back home. now all i gotta do is mentally prepare for tomorrow.

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