changed money, looked at gadgetry, i bought a digital camera (finally!) [although that constrains my budget somewhat], and ate excellent springbok.
we went to pg autoglass - those fools managed to get the order wrong, so we just hung around for a while until they vacuumed out the glass. then we returned home to wait for my mom to come home so we could claim her car.
we went to camps bay to play in a huge poker tournament. there were way too many faces from my distant past lurking around, and i sucked the big one as far as the actual cards were concerned. that was a quick way to blow lots of cash; SxS didn't fair too much better (i didn't buy in, at least. that would have been silly).
we drove up the nek and stopped off for a quick stroll up table mountain; seriously pretty, and i'd left the camera at home :(
we ate chinese in obs, seeing as nobody was answering calls :S [moonflake: i'm not good with the whole timing thing], and then a bunch of tourists came in and everybody else scrambled to the exit. i remember being a teenager, and annoyingly so - but we weren't that loud about it.
we rented igby goes down on the way home, and it turns out that i'd watched the entire thing before. great film the second time, too.
i was having a thoughtful / depressed / angsty moment, and then i had a long talk with my mom about my current state of affairs. her perspective really does give everything a little colour, and she makes an excellent sounding board. the bottom line is that everything in my life, although difficult until the next two months are through, is in place. i really have done okay, but it really does get frustrating when the light's visible and it's just another last push to get there.
i was going to wake up early this morning - the picture above was taken while my alarm was going off: for the fourth time...
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