today is the israeli equivalent of valentine's day. apparently there's no particular reason for it being on this specific date, but whatever.
that *hurt*. i lie. that *really* annoyed me.
half-asleep, i made it to base almost on time today. i sat outside my office for half an hour, having stolen a sandwich from the guys downstairs and having a smoke. when i walked in, our whole section was sitting in my office, one of the guys giving a lecture.
the tension was half-broken, half-increased, when one of the girls began singing "happy birthday" to me. funny as hell, though.
not-quite awake, and having missed half the lecture, and the lecture being in hebrew, i was in over my head. after about 10 minutes i dispensed with the heroics, and went missioning around the base. i got back to my office just as the lecture was finishing, did a bit of work, then went and got my hair thrown off.
i kind feel like george costanza from seinfeld.
some of the afternoon was interesting, some of it wasn't, and here i am at work.
because spot reads this, there's a bit of office-politicking that i can't reveal... there will be no tipping scales on my watch. if he reads this, it'll drive him nuts, which isn't such a bad thing. my aim is to give spot an anneurism before he hits 25.
anyway - that spillage i mentioned yesterday? we performed testing on the data... and it's PERFECT. i'm thrilled and pissed off at the same time. so i sent through a formal request for an addition to our provider's api, and we're now negotiating the additions.
in the meanwhile, i have to figure out what i'm doing wrong with another of their api functions. this time, it's almost guaranteed to be my fault :S
and now to do some actual work.
You may consider playing this a few times and thinking how it applies to you.
ReplyDeleteNever mind how it applies to me. I made my choice some time ago, when I chose to date a religious young lady.