so i took a long, overheated walk home, showered, and got picked up by my cousins to go through to the other cousins. she was the only person who wasn't around - the rest of the family, some down from england, and quite a few family friends were there. tons of food. and GOOD food. it was a really good meal.
after supper, after a very serious game of table-tennis, i sat chatting with the kids (aged 18 and under). her little sister is 18, and is going into the army soon; her best friend is in the same situation. thing is, i've known them since they were 12 years old, and her friend is now legal, and cute. that's just such a weird feeling. like, i feel like i kinda know how michael jackson feels. hell, one of my best friends turned 26 today... that's means that i'm gonna meet that age in a couple of months... that's 8 years between us.
dodgy. and enticing. dammit.
on the way home, resurrection called. as there were other people in the car, i just kinda of "mm hmmm"ed and "ah ha"ed my way through the conversation... no mention of menage-a-trois... the last thing she said to me before saying goodbye?
"i just called to hear your voice"
uh oh. RUN AWAY!!!
HELL no. not going there. uh uh. fat fucking chance. and there go my hopes for a chance with tesla, too. spot - trust me bro, NOT worth it. well, actually, maybe in your case... no. and no.
i got dropped off in south tel-aviv, and walked through a particularly dodgy area to floranteen (that's as close to transliterating it as possible). met up with spot and some friends of his, then when spot disappeared we went to another bar. nice place. eventually we split up, and i walked a while then took a cab home (strangely enough, i only took the cab after i left the dodgy area. i must be bored).
i slept almost all of saturday. this book i'm reading in hebrew is getting rough - i'm seriously struggling. eventually i did get up, and went to the lizard for a couple of hours. new management => no more free drinks for me. and that makes me a sad panda.
her secretaries did treat me to a bit of fun, though - the only thing that was missing from their tussling (and they're cute) was mud. although at one point i did have to step in to remove a pair of scissors (thank god they understood the phrase "it's all fun and games 'til somebody loses an eye"). i did remember my manners, and thanked them for the show when i left ;)
the afternoon was half work, half fun 'n games. i'm hoping to get a copy of the photo of me doing pull-ups with my chair between my legs (i managed quite a few). most of the work i have to do at the moment is clean-up, some of it is mind-bending, some fairly straight-forward. at least we have time. too - much - time - on - our - hands. but nevermind.
oh - and this looks like fun.
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