my response to moonflake:
nobody had a problem with IVF because there aren't enough movies featuring an IVF-bred "human" as the cause of a catastrophic event. what we need is a series of successful movies showing luddites as the cause of our downfall. (not exactly what i wrote, and i'm only rewriting it here because i'm not sure it was posted correctly)
if you haven't clicked on the sidebar link to don't panic, do so now.
the fun bit for today: the mongoose informed me that he was reading an article written by SB, in the israeli men's magazine. i skipped off to buy myself a copy - seriously sexy photo, and an incredibly amusing read. (no, that's NOT her in the picture above). the terrible thing is that i suddenly realized that i forgot to call her on her birthday last week. :S
my day in two paragraphs: i was surrounded by sexy girls on my way to the base this morning. most of the day was spent with various cute girls on the base. went for lunch with the team (ate good, but all-too-cheesy gnocci) where a couple of the waitresses were foxy (got eyed in return, but no action taken), and i was squished between lookers on the bus to work. let's just say i did a lot of appreciatin' today.
the rest of the day was mostly spent dealing with disgusting code, fighting with the idiot girl in our team because she can't stand pink floyd (and i received an awesome gift of most of their albums from nystire and his teammate this morning), and the kid and i are officially at the end of our secondment again - indicating that we've been in the new team for ages (alright, like six months, i'm too lazy to check).
now to buy myself a book of, and hope it's a good one (i need DSP and realtime... any suggestions?).
cute tip
why do i always miss this kind of thing?
well, it won't be the first time i've had a blogging site calling me fake. so? so what if i can't pass the turing test WHEN TESTED BY A MACHINE... damn, am i that bad?