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Friday, March 24, 2006

one easier year to go

yesterday morning kicked ass!

i got to breakfast and the inspection, and spent half an hour sitting in the cafeteria. not a bad start. then i went to the clinic.

after a few weeks of me missing my appointments, they let me in without one. what happened yesterday should have happened weeks ago, but i think i got more satisfaction this way:

the doctor sorted out all my referrals and everything, and printed me out my PERMANENT exemption from guard duty AND kitchen duty. it's only taken a little more than a year since i first complained, but i never gave up (completely) and now i'm sorted!

words cannot describe how wonderful it felt to go to droopy (hotrod's underling), hand him the paper, and tell him to fuck off. he pleaded with me to help him out by doing one more kitchen duty shift, and i said "sorry, i'm not allowed to. bye."

either he's a sneaky fucker, or a total idiot. the second i guard or do kitchen duty from now on, it cancels my exemption. he can fuck RIGHT off.

so "lifted spirits" doesn't begin to cover how i was feeling. to make things even better, i managed to retrieve that point-form post-it without it ever having been read. all good *thumbs up*.

we tidied up our office - i discovered that one of the base janitors fucked up my magic 8-ball. *generalization* i hate it when israeli's enter somebody else's personal space. much fiddling ensues, and things get broken. it's frustrating. *end generalization* fucking stupid oafs.

we had pizza, some speeches, and gift-giving to celebrate a few birthdays in the section, then i napped for a bit. i spent the rest of the afternoon finishing some work. this included me having a good scream at our TL, because he'd forgotten something important about the system (something that the kid and i aren't supposed to know), that made most of what i'd done completely pointless. at least he had the grace to be embarrassed.

i left 17.30 sharp, work incomplete. at least i know i'm not like that outside of the army. bussed home with a big smile on my face, looking forward to the weekend.

i missed the post-office, so i'll be going in a bit. i did some shopping, and came back to nurse a breezer with some chocolate. i chatted with my mom for a while, then said kaddish for my grandmother. that's a prayer you say for dearly-departed direct relatives. part of it is for losing a link in the chain that takes us back to the jews who were freed from slavery in egypt.

it's been four years since she passed away. i don't think about my family too much, but when i do i really do miss them. my grandmother was a very special lady. amusing and frustrating, with some very interesting ideas, and always capable of surprising me. i remember how excited i was about a week or two before she died, when she called me and i actually had positive news to tell her :) i hope she'd be proud of me for the way i've dealt with all my shit - i got my degree, i'm handling my army service, and i'm still trying to be a good person. nobody said i was going to enjoy it all :P

i spent the evening playing gta2. it's always "just one more mission". and day of the tentacle. eventually, around 11pm, i decided to take a half an hour's nap before going out. i was looking forward to going to the lizard for their weekly rock party.

instead, i slept until 8.30am. :/ i really did need it, i guess.

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