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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

choose wisely

'cuz i did :D

waking up around 8am, taking my time and chilling, sitting down to coffee and a pastry for breakfast... that's the way to start a day in the army!

i arrived on base around 11.30, and spent the day "working" on some last-minute things, chilling and milling, and that about covers it.

in the evening we had some work to do. i got mine done in record time, the kid finished his so fast i wasn't even aware that he'd started. we had shuwarma for supper (on our TL's account, good for him), and i wasted some time with the mongoose while he guarded.

i was at the gate when our TL called me to tell me that everything had crashed. he hadn't even finished his sentence when i put down the phone and legged it to the office - feeling that last cigarette - to find him and the kid packed and ready to leave. bastards tricked me. everything (aside from about 5 minutes of on-site problem solving when i'd forgotten something) went smoothly, and we could go home. so i played some gta, spent a bit more time with the mongoose, then bussed and walked home.

i did a smidgen of work and sorted out my mp3 player, then got in touch with the mongoose to find out about tonight's party at the lizard. he told me it was okay, so i had to decide between crashing and getting over there.

getting over there won out. and DAMN, that was a GREAT call! AWESOME party, great crowd with an excellent vibe, all in all a lot of fun. i did the mongoose an enormous favour in the middle - he'd forgotten his boss's camera in his office on the base, so i taxied there and back for it. i was bloody lucky the guards knew me, because i was in civvies and i didn't have my soldier's id...

anyway, i thoroughly enjoyed my night. it would have been a bit better if it had been possible to dance on the dancefloor - it was so tightly packed that people kept getting pushed out... and i'd started near the center!

i've just taken a taxi home, am about to hit the shower, then crash. i have to be on the base on time... fortunately as of tonight we have no more work for a while, so i'm gonna sleep this off (i'm a tad on the drunk side). if i get the chance, i'm gonna get my nipple repierced today. or tomorrow.

today's election day for us. i was going to vote for the green party, but discovered tonight that they've done less for the environment than the pot party (yes, there's a party primarily dedicated to legalizing marijuana). now i can't decide if i should vote for a major party to try and keep the religious out, or for the pot party that has my interests at heart.


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