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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

alert: arsim have breached the perimeter!

it was most certainly an alright sort-of day. arrived on base around 10.15 or so, and went straight to the cafeteria for coffee. from there to lunch (good humus), and shortly after lunch, to the court for two hours of basketball.

the kid and i started off just "horse"ing around, when some religious "senior academic officer" rocked up and acted like he knew something about basketball. he was MOST annoying. fortunately, there was another ball, so we just tried to ignore his stupidities and played our own game.

another guy from our branch rocked up, and then three guys from another branch as well. so we did the logical thing, and had an inter-branch 3-on-3.

it was mostly a good game. the problem is, the three of them are real arsim. no sense of humour whatsoever, and no comprehension of the term "friendly", or "just for fun". these guys got all serious. aggressive is an understatement. and in-game stayed *just* shy of violent.

we won - i fully expected a fight to break out. i congratulated one of the guys, and i was really waiting for him to throw a punch. it's gonna be a tough call whether to play them again.

they left us the court - so the kid and i played a long-ass game of "rebound", which was painful by the end. but it was fun, and good, sweaty exercise.

got back to the section, just as our SC was on his way to the cafeteria, so the kid and i joined him. i broached the subject (completely tactfully, of course) of my not coming back on tuesday. it was explained to me that the chances of them allowing that are slim to none... and that if they do, there's nothing to stop them from sending me to some base up north.

from experience, i know not to trust a word my SC says. just gonna have to take it up with my primary commander (who i've never met) on tuesday.

i spent the rest of the workday (all 30 minutes of it) on gta; i'm definitely getting the hang of my grand master plan.

after spending an hour or so with the mongoose on his guard shift, i bussed to azrieli, and did a search for a gym. the one there's no good at all. apparently i'll find what i'm looking for (erm, or something akin) in a place near dizengoff center. a little more work, that is.

i did discover the roof of azrieli - never been there, and it has a styling view. it must be a great place for a date... evident by the numerous couples making out...

i bussed home - constantly moving my arms (musta looked weird) to make use of my weights, and since i arrived here i've done all my net arbing, showered, played some good quality gta, and loaded the washing machine. once that's done it's bedtime.

unfortunately, i missed an important doctor's appointment today - i clean forgot. so tomorrow morning i'm going to be under a little more pressure than i would like. oh well.

looking VERY tasty

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