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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, October 24, 2005

my day and some arbitrariness

last night i lay down and read while attempted to make a dvd backup of some of my things. i didn't find out until morning that it failed again - this because i used my duvet last night for the first time since spring, and i was so comfortable i didn't get up until an hour after my alarm went off.

oh, yeah - that means that i got to the base late. whoops.

got some solid work done today - i'd done some research last night and managed to get it all sorted out today. it was fun, too.

at 10am SB called me, and i hopped on the bus (my commanders would have me imprisoned if they could have seen me) and went off to her place. about an hour's travel all told, not helped by some annoying american girl who wouldn't stop talking crap about the officer's course with the guy she was with. i kept wanting to interject with reality, but i couldn't stand to have her drawl in my direction.

SB's was fantastic. good coffee, and excellent chill-time. as usual, i didn't want to leave, but i had to return to base to sign out. getting back was quicker, and more pleasant, and i spent an hour or two finishing up the work i was busy with before the dog and i left for iced-coffee. the tinned iced-coffee is expensive, but absolutely delicious. i was VERY pleasantly surprised.

i walked to the bus station to meet the mongoose and go with him to meet the english girl, but he called me just as i got there to say that he had had to leave.


so i waited about half an hour for the bus home, reading lolita and dreaming, and am planning a very serious nothing for the rest of my day, interspersed with work and a bit of syndicate.

as for being tagged, most people i know know pretty much everything about me, so it makes arbitrary things kind of hard to say.

but here goes anyway:
  • i got a present of a vision - joe johnson - steroid (new model) when i was about 10 or 11, and until i hooked up trucks and wheels i slept with it in my bed.
  • my sister once brought home a dog, and the first thing it did (i was tiny at the time) was climb on top of me and pee.
  • i was a serious swimmer until mid-teens.
  • i was religious (as in, seriously) from ages 11/12 until age 16. my original motivation was to get out of garden work on the weekends, and i ended up spending four months in yeshiva in israel during 1996.
  • i've only ever cheated on a girlfriend once - a girlfriend i've never slept with, and i felt really, really bad. on the punishment side, i ended up with neither of the girls in question, and i really wanted both.
  • i spent my early - mid teens in therapy. not until i was around 18/19 did anyone feel the need to explain to me that it wasn't because there was something wrong with me. there's your explanation of why i hate psycho/psychi-anythings.
  • i'm not superstitious. at all. but i'm horrified by clowns. especially after seeing only the first half of it.
  • my father once found me sitting on a cushion. which just happened to have my niece's head underneath.
  • i set fire to my balcony once. my best friend happened to be with me. my parents blamed him. and he got the beating of his life.
  • i once tried to invite the girl of my dreams to come rollerblading with me. the only words i have ever uttered in her direction: "are you generally busy on weekend evenings?"... i don't think she even knew my name.
  • i had a weird crush on a funny-looking coloured girl who worked at the steers. i've always wondered about that one.
  • during that religious period, i sang in the synagogue's choir. badly.
  • i'm a serious perfectionist. i find being a waiter too stressful - i couldn't handle spur. i only learned about a year ago that the word is "techno-stress", i over-identify with technology.
  • i once got a modeling portfolio done (i feel the entire story is warranted an additional post) by a photographer (the editor, too) of new york's most well-known gay magazine. he wanted a picture of my butt for christmas cards.
  • people have serious difficulty figuring out whether i'm serious or not. and i have big issues with not being taken seriously when i am.
  • i've never enjoyed smoking weed. hash, yes - but grass just makes me sleepy.
  • i'm a cat-person. i raised my brother's twin pit-bulls. and i've never been impressed by any other dogs since. i even learned to accept dog-kissing...
  • after the big speech delivered by al pacino in the devil's advocate, when kevin's reaction got everyone in the crowd exclaming "yes!" in hushed tones, i forgot where i was and screamed "NOOOOOOOOO!". that brought more surprise to myself than to the rest of the audience.
  • the order in which i appraise the potential of a female is eyes, face, attitude (grace, if you will), legs, general proportions (and i don't like large breasts), and only then personality.
  • i hate using cutlery.


  1. dammit - it's early and dark out.

    i don't have 23 taggable creatures, so i handed one out to everyone on my links list. i think that'll have to do.

    w-v: Privately Nobody Banished Kobold Knights

  2. And I thought I was the only strange one on the blogs. You lived an intersting life thus far. Seriously; varied and interesting personality and fits in with how you come across in your posts.
    Uhhh… so you were a fire-starter too, were you? I once burnt down an entire veld at the back of my parent’s house. Fire-brigade was there, the friggin' works! Of course, I hid under the bed until it was all over.

  3. lol@veldfire

    of course, i only listed here the things that not many people know - most people i know know all the really weird stuff ;)

    w-v: Totally Vacant Garages Grow Bright Innovation


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