
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, May 09, 2005

whooze. mmmm - gobble gobble.

saturday: chilled. watched tv, learned to love the badger. the badger is definitely my favourite animal. i read a bit, cleared out my room, and was formally uninvited from the kibbutz for the next couple of weeks.

on the way home i stopped at my boss' place, had a chat (loads of work, very little time), ate a very south african sandwich, and picked up my cheque. bussed home.

decided not to buy any more packs of cigarettes.

sunday: what an incredibly boring day. my word - we spent the day reading, sleeping, and playing computer games. i don't think that many soldiers get to do that.

i started the guard cycle by replacing the main gate guards for half an hour, then watching the european basketball finals - great game! and i played tekken on a projector - very, very cool. thrashed the other guys, but wasn't too surprised :)

arbed around until 21.45, then went to bed.

i had secured myself the 2am-6am guard shift, but that was changed without my knowing. at 22.15, we were woken up for inspection. 22.20, i'm informed that i have to guard to 10pm-2am, 10am-1.30pm shifts.


i was completely unprepared to guard, and my shift SUCKED. and because i was only informed at 10.20, the mongoose got screwed with half an hour's extra guarding...

i basically slept my shift away, for which i feel kinda bad - but not SO bad 'cause i didn't get caught. i got to bed around 2.30am, woke up at 7.30 for the flag-raising ceremony, arrived late for a friend's rank ceremony, then napped until 9.30.

my 2nd shift was alright - good weather, and many people came to visit :) generally enjoyed it.

i got off duty really hungry, and bought myself a sandwich. i hadn't even taken a bite when we got called for another alert - this time to tell us that a guard had gone missing (???), and we needed to replace him. while everyone argued over what to do, i went back to my sandwich.

left the base at 7pm (forgot to sign out. dammit.), and went with the mongoose to the comic book store... i got my rogue trooper!! 1st issue of the future of war - so sweet ^_^

we took a wrong bus, so it took me until 9pm to get home. i'm about to hit the shower, then sleep... glorious sleep...

the gobble gobble refers to the salted liquorice i'm still hanging onto - 2 more weeks till my mum arrives!! i get a holiday - i get a holiday :)

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