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Thursday, May 05, 2005

long date, hard talk

two days ago - the date:

i met up with metalhead at azrieli, and we sat down for a while. then we hopped a bus to my place, and chilled and talked for a few hours until she left.

boy, how first impressions change. to be fair, i really like her. she's interesting, seems intelligent, and i like her style. but something just doesn't do it for me, and i don't have time for a girl who's not totally perfect. so i've been feeling sucky about "leading her on" since.


i spent the morning dealing with the ministry of immigrant absorption, and the ministry of interior. was okay. i spilled maple syrup all over my uniform.

i was exhausted, totalled, and bombed, and spent my day in a daze. i don't really remember what i did on base. i missed the bus to get home, and ended up taking a slightly obscure set of buses, running into the most beautiful girl on our base (maybe, i no longer trust my taste), and intended to crash on contact with my bed. neil gaiman - american gods made me stay up till late. he's an evil bastard, he is.

oh - and i had to clean the sleeping bag i took from our base supply: i got a phone call threatening to court-martial me if i didn't get it back by 15.30 today, and it had melted marshmallow inside.

today: i went to the post office first thing, then to the base. i'm very proud - i managed to get through a hebrew phone menu all by myself! and i got to the right people (paying my electric bill)!

i returned the sleeping bag - to find out that whoever called me had made a mistake, and that i still have another few days to return it.
pricks. at least they apologized.

i can't say i worked the whole day - i did bits and pieces as we prepared for a hard night, and we played a lot of xonix and snood. i've almost finished sir arthur conan doyle - a study in scarlet. great read.

we started working at 17.30. everything was going fine, and then the production server started giving us hassles. so we reset it, and our database wouldn't start.


after struggling, and calling our base's dba center (to discover that they can't help us), i called the ex-soldier who made my life difficult. and i am impressed no end by how quickly and effectively he helped - and i actually learned how to do it myself for next time.

t'would have been nice to have learned this while he was still with us, but i suppose it's alright now :)

finished everything, hung around on the base a bit with the mongoose - and to hit on a really cute support girl - and then got a ride home.

i finally made that call, and said "goodbye" to metalhead. man, that sucked. really sucked. i hope she's not offended - i'm totally not good at this shit, and i feel like i fscked up somehow.

so - a shower, and to bed!

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