
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

week OVER!

good lord. i'm still in shock.

good friday: i got TOTALLY lucky on friday ^_^
some dude was exempt from guarding at night, so i only had to do his night shifts - four hours a day, as opposed to eight? i slept the ENTIRE day.
oh, yeah.

saturday morning, i woke up too late for breakfast. i spent some time discussing trance with the "shin gimmel" (dude guarding the main gate), and he sent me to a friend of his on the base. not only did the dude provide me with breakfast, AND coffee, but it turned out he's a novice programmer wanna-be, so we talked for HOURS. it was fun :) and i got a lot of hebrew practise. i spent the rest of the day in his office, watching movies.
seriously, not the ordinary guarding week :P

in the evening, we ordered pizza, but the delivery guy had a puncture, which resulted in me getting 10 minutes to scarf half a pizza before running off to my shift. good pizza, and worth it, but i suffered afterwards.

on sunday, i had to resume morning shifts (i had only one left anyway), and some dude screwed me over - i had to guard a 5.5 hour shift. on the bright side, i was introduced to the kitchens, and they fed me like a (sort-of) king.

yesterday morning i again woke up too late for breakfast, but having been introduced to the kitchen staff meant i got a better organized one than the officers did. yeah, baby.

i saddens me to think how important food has become over a period of a week. as terry pratchett says: "civilation is only 24 hours and two meals away from barbarism". so true.

we spent the day on the bus, which was an aweful experience, but by the time i returned to my apartment i was so excited to be in civilization that i didn't know what to do with myself! well, sort of. i went to the toilet for the first time since friday morning - in the last week my body has really managed to impress me. from getting sick at the right time, to holding myself up during a faint, to not needing to use the facilities on base, everything's been just right :)

i joined the dog and a friend for a coffee / stroll evening, which was really nice. now, i'm on my way to the city council, to see if i can wrangle myself a "tel-aviv resident" card, and then it's a fun-filled day of returning gear, laundry, home shopping, and government bureaus. yee-hah.

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