
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, January 21, 2005

hurrah for the weekend!!

right. this week taught me the value of the weekend...

in continuation of my previous post:

the city council gave me a tel-aviv resident's card! awesome! i swiftly proceeded to change my address at the post-office, and then made my way home, to sort out my laundry. and then to the base, to return my uzzi and magazines. i said hi to everyone, and then ran off as quickly as possible.

i made (what i consider to be) a valiant attempt at sorting out my work papers at the tax department. that quickly turned into a nightmare - those people SUCK. i gave up, and went off to work... erm, eat with the guys from work. i spent some time in the office, arsing around, before sammy gave me a ride back to my place to change (and drop off some of my computer stuff).

from there we went to play pool - the dog joined us about halfway through - and we had a really enjoyable evening.

wednesday was an absolutely miserable day. i suppose my attitude has a lot to do with it - i've become completely disillusioned by my teammates, who have done very little to impress me over the last few weeks. so i basically spent the majority of the day as far away from my office as possible.
in attempting to "reintegrate" into my base, we discovered that the unit i was assigned to for guard duty accidentally cancelled my membership in my normal unit - that's not only amusing, but causes all sorts of interesting paperwork problems. they've assured me they'll sort it out, but it kept me occupied for enough time.

i was thinking of going out on wednesday night, but crashed instead.

thursday morning found me in the same state of avoidance. i inquired about the donated washing machines (people take care of lonely soldiers!), and was informed that first they have to come to my home and make sure that i don't have one. fine - i don't have anything!

i spent most of the day reading, which sucked, and that about sums everything up. it just so happens that one of the guys in our web section is an absolute comic book freak AND works in a decent club in tel aviv AND is a graphic designer, who agrees with the ideas put forth at so we've begun (it's a slow process) putting together some videos.

on the way home, i called one of the cute girls the dog and i double-dated, who gave me the phone number of her friend and began telling me how wonderful she is. sounds like our argument was in vain, the girls have definitely decided for us :) after all that, though, i couldn't get through to the number, and there's been no response to the message i left. and everyone else i know was busy last night, so i spent a half an hour getting to know the area, and then got an early night.

this morning, i finally got a haircut, and then discovered that my relatives are in eilat for the weekend - but they've let me stay on the kibbutz anyway :) so i've got internet, and food, and tv, and all i have to do is look after the dog. i'm rather pleased.

gonna KoL a bit, do a bit of "work" (xml definition), and then waste my weekend.

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