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Wednesday, May 26, 2004


this is an earlier-than-expected post. i wish it wasn't.

*** yesterday ***

she picked me up around 07.45, and we drove non-stop to achziv, which is almost at the northern border. and we got lost on the way, in haifa, due to AWEFUL signage.

we got a decent parking, and trekked ALL the way through to the camping site - i discovered almost immediately how bad my slip-slops are.
setting up camp wasn't too difficult, we took a quick tour of the area. we moved our tent a little way, in an attempt to secure more high-noon shade, and went to arb around the beach.

the festival was nicely done - very pretty. now, i like seeing families at festivals, but it's a little weird when there're ONLY families, and very few actual party-goers.

later on in the day, we discovered that we had neighbours - we were surrounded by a rather loud, abrasive family. after spending the evening around the beach, sampling foods and chai, playing board and card games, observing young girls stumbling around drunkenly, and listening to some good reggae, we decided to call it a night. Our neighbours were calling it something else though, and we couldn't get to sleep until well past 3am.

i woke up early this morning, to discover that the awesome trance music was coming from outside the festival, and there was no access to it without vast sums of money.

so i went back to our tent, did some reading, and a little philosophising. something spiritual did a half-click inside of me, i just hope it'll stick. i also got to thinking about the creation theory - there's no reason why it doesn't tie in to darwin's theory... we're just thinking about it too literally. i'll add my thoughts to the mental masturbation section, sometime.

we had a chilled day on the beach, listening to good reggae, and getting some GREAT swimtime - the water was incredible!

we then went back to our tent, and slept for a bit.

we woke up, broke up, and left the festival. i'm a little in shock, although it wasn't TOO surprising (things have been a tad rocky), but i can't say as i know how i feel, or how things will be...

what a crappy day.

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