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Friday, May 07, 2004


*** 3rd ***

i woke up early for a meeting with the social worker, which went well, and then went to the volunteer's bureau, to let them know i'd done some more of my community service.

i was tired. really tired.

she picked me up, and we went through to an army magazine headquarters, where she dragged me along as she checked out the place.
it was interesting.
cute thing: apparently all the guys in the office were praying that i'm not the boyfriend: ha ha.

we moved on to azrieli, which is just not the greatest mall on earth. we had awesome cappucino, met up with a friend of hers, had a great lunch, and then said goodbye. i took the bus to ra'anana, watched some taekwondo knockout videos, had a long discussion with my instructor, and then trained for a couple of hours.

training from hell - my instructor HURT me.

she picked me up after training, and we spent some time together before i showered and went to bed.

*** 4th ***

she came over in the morning, and we watched gothika - fun movie, except for the end. halle berry seeing MORE, and the closing song, were both totally inappropriate...

i went to finance class, which was boring as hell (although i did learn SOMEthing), and went home afterward - she came over again, and we watched the fifth element. i still love that movie.

i went to my instructor's place to sort out the video of my fights, and we went to the gym to get protective gear.

she picked me up, and we went to see kill bill 2. beautiful.

*** 5th ***

i woke up at 7am, got my shite together, and arrived on campus on time. we had a loooong minibus ride to haifa, where we watched the beginning of the bowling tournament (and got a couple of free bowls ^_^). that took an hour or so, and then we went to the taekwondo event.

we had to wait for HOURS. i was EXHAUSTED. but because we thought we'd be starting "anytime soon", we kept warming up, stretching, and sizing up our opponents (not that this would be of any use).
not resting.

my first fight was with a white belt, who'd been interested in fighting me. i found him to be surprisingly good, or at least i was surprisingly bad - i was so tired, that my body didn't even want to be standing up, let alone fighting.
i won anyway, and got in some nice kicks.

my second fight was against a blue belt (one belt lower than me), and this guy was a complete bastard. i was dead tired, and was having difficulty standing in the fighting stance, and this dude fought really dirty.

i did have the satisfaction of kicking him really hard in the face (with my LEFT leg?!). when i saw him crumple, i got my hopes up, and it was most upsetting when he got back on his feet.
the rest of the fight sucked. he kicked me really hard in the nuts (ball boxes don't help THAT much), and also in the thigh, and i haven't been able to walk properly since.

so i got first place, which is very cool. at least i kinda deserve it :) (I'D like to think so). the ride home was cool, i found guys in the bowling team who are serious gamers, and we talked codshit the whole way back.

i got a ride to her place. her grandparents came over right after i got there, and that was a little weird for me.
and that's all i have to say about that.

i walked home, stopping in at my charge's home for a quick visit, and a desperate toilet run. not in that order. he was asleep, so i had a very interesting talk with his mom... it seems i knew even less than i thought about his situation, and that's not a lot.

i had an amazing shower when i got home, and spoke to my mommmy. she picked me up, and let me drive to my instructor's place to drop off the gear i'd borrowed. we stopped off to draw some cash, then dropped me off at home. and i crashed.

*** yesterday ***

and i slept well.
i think.

i got up around 08.30, and got to campus around 10.00, to check mail, a trance forum, and some homework. yogi joined me, and we sat and argued about our project for a couple of hours, before going to class with santa claus.


this really cute girl, who came to the tournament yesterday, traded phone numbers with me. i've now had a girlfriend for over a year, and suddenly other girls are attracted to me (apparently).
i don't get it. flattering though ^_^.
speaking of which, she's been really annoyed about me keeping in touch with one of the girls i met on the weekend. and i'm simply not sure whether she's over-reacting or not: have i really done something so wrong?!

the rest of the day was boring as hell. i went home, arbed for a bit, and then sammy picked me up, and we came to work.

*** today ***

i'm at work, i'm not happy. listening to trance, while replying to dumb-ass emails from silly people.
and updating these logs for the first time in way too long. we're trying to deal with the internet problems at home, but it's taking a while.

i've just been impolitely asked to put my shoes back on.

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