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Monday, April 26, 2004


*** 24th ***

well, she came to the rescue - we went out and got crepes for supper.
much healthier, and there was frozen yoghurt for dessert.

*** yesterday ***

i stayed up until 02.30, doing math homework, and almost enjoying it... must be sick. i put myself to bed, she woke me up around 08.30, and we slept until exactly 11.20 - my alarm telling me it was time to get ready for the memorial day ceremony.

the ceremony was not particularly inspiring. afterwards, the entire international school had a talk with the president of the university, who told his personal story in order to give the international students an idea of what life in israel entails... it was quite emotional.

math class was interesting - it's the first time i've ever thrown something at the lecturer first (he was mocking me), and the rest of the class was entertaining.

she picked me up after class, and we went shopping for someone in her commune that she doesn't get along with - it was quite fun. and i had tons of chocolate nougat ice-cream, which was more than satisfying.

she dropped me off at home, i played some counterstrike, she picked me up after about an hour, and we drove to gedera for another ceremony.

i use the term "drove" loosely: it was two hours of stop-go traffic from hell, and she's not an experienced driver...

as we got out the car in gedera, the sirens began, so we stood in the middle of the road, along with a few others on their way - it's a unifying feeling.

the ceremony in gedera was weird - aside from good singers, everything was very poorly organized, and the kids were celebrating independence day prematurely (it was far from quiet and respectful).

we left a bit early, as we had to go and fetch someone from close by, and we discovered on the way to the car that her keys were missing. a short run later, we discovered that the keys were miraculously still hanging from the car door - it's a bad neighbourhood, it really is a special thing.

i got to drive the rest of the night. we drove to a nearby army base, picked up a friend of hers, and drove back to herzliyah - i haven't had a good drive in AGES, and it was really good to get comfy behind the wheel.

we were both starving by the time we got back, but none of the shops were open (silly us - it's memorial day). we picked up another friend of hers, and drove around the industrial area on a fruitless search for eateries, before returning back to her place for a covert steal-from-the-parents operation...

we dropped off her friend, ate stolen supper at my place,

*** today ***

and said good night. i'm now finishing this, going to sleep, and that's all i'm friggin' writing.

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