
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, April 15, 2004


*** 13th ***

she and i went to tal bagel's for breakfast, which was BRILLIANT, and mooched around a bit before she dropped me off at the bus station. i spent the rest of the day at work.

*** yesterday ***

we finally finished work at 01.30, and i got to bed at 2am. my head was spinning from too much radiation (staring at a monitor for eleven straight hours can do that to you).

i got up early (at 07.30) for class - ten minutes before leaving, i got an email to inform me that class was cancelled.

i spoke to her for an hour (i didn't even notice the time go by), stopped for a burekas breakfast, then picked up my photos from the weekend (i have some great photos), and went to campus.

met up with mmf, and we decided to spend the day on the beach (PERFECT weather).

after picking up da, who from now on shall be known as yogi, we went to the beach.
which was blanketed in fog. and rather chilly.

so, we had lunch by the american embassy, under the watchful, paranoid gaze of the security personnel...

chilled at yogi's place, then he gave me a ride home. grootbek and i played basketball with my charges, which was very cool, and i then spent the evening chilling.

*** today ***

wow - it's 07.20 and i've been up for an hour now. i went for a jog: it was supposed to be with my charges, but as i got there they were leaving, and so i had to go it alone.
on the plus side, i found the route i'll be taking them along.

so, here i sit, drinking my turkish coffee before taking a shower - i LOVE summer!!! i'm sweating like an absolute pig, and i don't care.

*** later ***

what an incredible day! i went to class, discovered it was in hebrew, and spent the next hour or so talking to some friends of mine - we've organized a day trip to oracle's headquarters during next week :)

so - i tried to get some sleep, and woke myself up with a brilliant idea. i had a meeting with SxS and mmf, and we've figured out some things - we're going to attempt to take it further.
it would be SO nice if something came out of it, my ideas usually break down fairly early.

mmf translated the letter of recommendation that i picked up from the dean of the faculty of computer science's office this morning - he almost cried reading it to me - it's AMAZING! i honestly couldn't hope to get a better recommendation than that, and i have absolutely no idea how to express my gratitude. this letter is incredible!

i'm at work now - looking forward to a long night, and then i'm running in tomorrow morning again, with a class at 08.15... let's just say my life ain't boring :P

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