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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, April 22, 2004


*** yesterday ***

another early morning. we were four ultra-slow joggers, but we had tons of pancakes afterwards... YUMMY!

i then went to a class which was basically on databases, and the lecturer kept picking on me as i was bored out of my mind.
and tired.

in the next class we were informed that we were to sit in on a policy conference. so i went in, like everyone else did. for half an hour i fought with myself, as i couldn't decide whether to stay or go. it was all in hebrew, and i was having flashbacks from the lessons in my basic training.
my hebrew SUCKS.

so i left, all frustrated and with my brain in agony. i spent the next few hours in the library, alternatively sleeping and finishing my cheat sheet for the statistics exam.


the exam was weird - each of the four questions tested everything we've learned, and i feel like i got it all right and all wrong at the same time. if it wasn't for the coffee and the redbull, i would never have survived. as it is, i'm almost CERTAIN that i kept using the wrong formulae, and i could feel myself plugging in the wrong numbers.
i hope i'm wrong.


i walked home, played counterstrike for a very long time,

*** today ***

and then went to sleep.

i woke up at 06.30, ran WAY more than usual, did some other exercises, showered, watched a really bad movie with stephen dorff - steal, and tried to get some sleep. i gave up, and played some more counterstrike.

in a short while i'm off to class, and then work tonight...

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