
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003


i just got back from watching pirates of the caribbean, and it was ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! i'm not sure if it's all ages, but if a parent takes their child to watch it, that child will never appreciate another film again. i felt like a little kid the whole time - if there were holes in the plot, or any errors of any kind whatsoever, i would neither notice, nor care. it was just freakin' AWESOME. the actors were great (i really dig johnny depp), and the effects were just wonderful.

*** yesterday ***

i went to taekwondo this morning, in spite of my not feeling too well. it turned out to be a fitness training, with one hundred push-ups and two hundred sit-ups just to start the session. after about half an hour of legwork, i could barely stand (and definitely not straight at that), and my arms were numb and unresponsive. i shamefully asked for a chance to get some water.

after a shower, and a warm, half-cooked pie, and went to varsity. the person i went to see, campey, was the only person on campus i didn't come into contact with. all the rest were there, with some arbitrary discussions and some interesting moments. i once again found myself lecturing the little ones (post-bob bobs) - i only hope it had some effect.
and some black girl, with some serious issues, got really offended by me and everything i said. apparently she has that problem with everyone, i just think it's strange that she hasn't noticed.
if you don't like people, then shut the $#@% up.

my mum took me along to see some flats in bantry bay. R2.5M and up, and they really weren't all that. not to say they weren't nice, but for that kind of money one really can do much better. just in case, my mom's looking on behalf of her boss. we're stuck here, due to financial constraints.
that was a nice way of putting it.

i had promised krybabie i'd meet up with him for coffee, so that was the next stop. we talking inanities for about an hour, and then my mom rescued me, our car swapped drivers, and i went off to cavendish to see the movie. first stop, mugg 'n bean, then the movie itself.
after the movie, shadowslight and i went to play pool in the atrium (or whatever it's called now), which turned out to be a really nice place. no smoking, but very nice tables (with space around them). only payoff is it costs R4 per game, but it was worth it.

*** today ***

in spite of the public holiday, my mother had to go to work today. after i dropped her off, i drove straight to tkd, where we had fighting drills. which have left me with aching, non-compliant muscles everywhere.
including my two front / side neck muscles, and now everything that involves my head turning hurts.
there were two of us in training this morning, and in spite of our hitting each other repeatedly, hard, in all sorts of nasty places, we were told to stop being so scared and to really go in and take the punishment.
and to ignore all our instincts.

it felt but SO good to get out of there.

had a shower, ate a cold meat sandwich with tons o' SERIOUSLY hot mustard, and went to go fetch my mum. traffic was quite annoying, but i had alice cooper and ratm playing, so no worries.

my mom took me to the cemetary.
we went to kfc for lunch.
we went to visit my cousins for coffee. my cousin's two 18 month old boys drooled all over me. and required much physical effort to keep out of trouble, not at all assisting in my healing process.
we came home, i passed out, and had some nice dreams (about her, and not pervy dreams either).
i'm bored, so i'm writing this and then going online.

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