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Tuesday, September 16, 2003


*** 12th ***

i took my mum's computer to a more-capable-than-me friend of mine, to see if we could figure out what was wrong, and try to install win2k. he works for a computer company, so all tools on hand.
first things first, it was so filthy inside the case, we could barely identify basic parts. so we took an industrial air-blower, sat the naked pc outside, under a tree (i was having visions of a bird shitting on my motherboard - i'm sure it would be a first), and proceeded to violate it with way more air-pressure than i'm comfortable with.
we managed to blow off one of the cooler chips - the glue backing wasn't in a particularly good way anyway - which didn't help my level of enthusiasm.

i then had to run off to hi-fi corp, to organize a car radio for my mum. i paid for the radio and installation, but when i found the guy who does the installations, he informed that he couldn't do it, as it needs a radio specific to the car. so he gave me a map with directions to the place that could do it.
he also informed me of a second-hand one that would fit our current setup, but as far as we were concerned it was too late.

i got totally lost trying to follow the map. the damn thing had no road names on it, and i discovered later that i'd been reading it upside down. after getting very, VERY frustrated, i was told by my mom to forget it, and to go pick up something from her doctor. i made it to his offices as the secretary was locking the door - but she let me in and gave me what i needed.
no, not that need. in spite of some interesting suggestions, i'm definitely remaining faithful to her.

*** 13th ***

the day of the tekken. and something relatively insignificant (isn't everything?) before that.

oh, right. taekwondo. i arrived at the designated time, at the designated place, only to discover that it was grading, not training. two people were trying for their green belts (one up from yellow, but that's as much as i've been able to figure out). the two of us who weren't supposed to be there, were instructed to fight the two as part of their test.

when i watched the first fight, i almost had need of a clean pair of pants - these guys fight hard, but #$@%ing FAST - all i could think of, was my getting my bum handed to me on a plate in my first fight in well over two months.
however, when we actually started fighting, one or more of three things occurred: either time slowed down for me, i got faster, or he slowed down. either way, we had a fairly normal fight.
except for one thing. one of the most powerful kicks in taekwondo is the back kick. as i saw him coming for me, i turned and extended with full force (although neither of us was wearing protection, and i had been asked not to injure him). this shouldn't have been a problem, except that he jumped for his kick, and i hit him squarely in the nads.
in spite of my stopping as soon as i realized where i'd hit him, he flew back a little way, landing in fetal position. i was SERIOUSLY upset - it's never nice being involved in something like that. fortunately, he wasn't completely disabled, but it was crap nonetheless.

it was then on to firstfallen and phleep's place.

the day would've been much better had everyone turned up, but those that did made it quite the enjoyable afternoon. the main complaint was that i played too well - i don't know how to lose credibly.
i wonder if there's a faq online for that.
we also watched the tekken anime movie - it was totally crap, but good to laugh at. i just wish it hadn't made all the characters out to be a bunch of pansies, and had had more fighting in it.

firstfallen's squelch / gloop (lasagne) was very, very tasty. much appreciated.

*** 14th ***

i slept late, which was much needed, and had a really relaxing morning. i picked up my niece, and we went to the flea market, where we saw all sorts of interesting things (including ROGERS, a really strange "friend" of mine. he's been known to walk into the middle of a crowded dancefloor, and just sit on the floor. the ultimate in nerd-dom), and bought me a hat.
it took freakin' AGES to find that hat. but it's nice.

we went to my place for a bit. my mom then dropped me off at my buddy's (ok, you seriously have to give me a preferred nickname) office to check up on our computer, and drove off to constantia with my niece to pick up my niece's siblings.
on their way back, they picked me up again, and we went back to sea point. my mom went home, i drove back to the office. after a while we gave up on the system - we think there's a problem with the motherboard. so much for cheap fixes. so in the meanwhile we're staying with win98. yippee.

i took him home, and stopped by moonflake's for a few minutes on the way back, before going home to sleep (narrowly escaping pantless o' clock).

*** yesterday ***

taekwondo yesterday morning was a great way to wake up for the day. before we started, i spoke to our instructor about the ball-breaking on saturday, and he was adamant that it wasn't my fault. we then spent the entire hour working on just the back kick, which wasn't easy, but was most rewarding.

i went through to milnerton to fetch my mom, and drove back to town, where my mom picked up my sister's car. i went through to plumstead, and picked up a faceplate for the car radio we didn't have, and then to hi-fi corp, to return the one we did. it took a long time, but eventually i managed to persuade them to give me a credit note, and at least try to organize a cash refund. i still have to phone them to find out how that went.

i then got lost in athlone. three times. and being an ethnic minority didn't help - a police car drove past and looked at me as if they couldn't believe that a whitey would be on that side of the world.

after finally finding the place, the installation took about ten minutes, as we didn't have an instruction manual. but everything worked, and i was finally able to listen to system of a down while driving! i haven't changed cd's yet... it's a lot of fun to sit in rush-hour traffic, IF you have something to head-bang to.

i made my way to the airport, and sat (well, jumped up and down in my seat) for about ten minutes while waiting for my sister to arrive.

the drive home was pleasant, and as soon as i dropped her off at her place, i went back to town for monday night tv at shadowslight's.
it was really nice. i especially enjoyed playing with his cats (they're like dogs, but not as slobbering), and the bacon & guacomole pizza was good. i shouldn't have eaten the whole thing, though - it came back for vengeance later on. after i got home, i sat for about an hour on the wiki, and then passed out. cold.

*** today ***

traffic this morning was an absolute pleasure. it was probably even more kak than usual, but i had music so i didn't care. it's amazing how much more enjoyable driving is when it's not completely silent (ignoring your own humming / singing / whistling).

taekwondo was nice today. i walked in five minutes late, so i had to do fifty push-ups as punishment. my arms are still a little tender - i never do push-ups so it's an alien experience.
i received a really nice compliment though: i was asked by our instructor to teach one of the black-belts something.
/me pats himself on the back.

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