
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, September 11, 2003


*** yesterday ***

gandalf's itself sucked - they played really dodgy hip-hop and jungle. mordor (upstairs) was pretty cool. i have no idea how to dance (neither does anyone else), so i was kinda uncomfortable at first, but i did have fun. and i saw a couple of people i've been itching (well, not really) to meet, and lots of arb metal freaks which made me feel at home.
some bastard there, just arrived from the sepultura concert, was carrying one of the drummer's drumsticks - lucky prick!

i decided to have a tequila, and was re-shocked when i discovered that it only costs R10 (like, about the same as a BAR of chocolate in israel), as opposed to R45 (about the cost of a fast-food meal in israel).

*** today ***

i woke up horribly this morning - i'm going to attribute it to having a drink and headbanging last night. i drove my mom to work, managed to just miss rush-hour traffic on the way back (almost got in the middle of a four car accident, though - i do hate bad drivers), and went to tkd.

fortunately, because there were only three of us, we spent the hour session stretching - it's been a long, long time, and i actually enjoy that kind of pain... they've taught us some good things in taekwondo.

when i got home, i had a shower, some strawberry pops (!), and then i just passed out for three hours, having some REALLY crazy, freaky, and outright disturbing dreams. and i'd been sleeping in a fairly awkward position, which didn't help much.

unfortunately, it means i haven't got enough time to do all the things i was meaning to do today...
go me.

*** later ***

i taped dragonball z and spongebob squarepants, and i'm waiting for my mum to finish watching the documentary on the twin towers so's i can watch them.
i went to cafe erte with SaGiRL, and we talked for a LONG time. she sent me a barrage of sms's, so when i got home i had a proper online sms conversation (i'm so not going to try teaching her to use irc), and now i'm downloading critical updates and wondering why ms outlook web access is so shitty - i can't delete my email for some reason, and i have limited space.

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