
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

what kind of a day is tuesday? [part ii]


i watched the first half of the bbc production of the winter's tale, which takes a bit of warming up to, but was far too tired to continue (the blink was getting in the way of the subtitles, and one simply *must* read those for shakespeare). i set my alarm for 6am and have no idea how i managed to wake up only twenty minutes after that to continue watching.

i didn't finish because i went to the bank - then discovered that there was no need to be there. the woman who'd left me the message telling me to bring them the SWIFT number had forgotten to call me back when it was discovered that they're so advanced that they can look it up themselves.

from violent pornography to para noir, it was a good morning for darker rock. i picked up coffee as soon as i got to campus, and sat in a shady spot on the grass watching some more of the movie.

first class: tough. not the most exciting of lectures.

during the break i finished the three hour play; i am now well aware of why it's important to read them. aside from remembering names, there are so many visual cues the director must insert and it's always an interpretation. only by reading it "open" can one get at a relatively objective understanding.

second class: i think the march hare likes me. i'm fairly certain that i've gotten the point of the class, he's impressed with most of what i have to say and he's even lent me a copy of a book postulating the wildest of the shakespeare conspiracies. for those who aren't in the know: the conspiracies are all a load of rubbish. we know exactly who wrote all of shakespeare's plays, including his collaborations at the end, and it was a man named william shakespeare. the conspiracy theories all began with the egos of the "university wits" who couldn't handle being outfaced by someone as lowly as an actor - even though today we understand that his understanding of the theatre from within was precisely to his advantage (not to mention his incredible and apparently natural talent with word-play).

on my way off campus, i was shocked to discover that my "tenants" are leaving; dp is off in a few hours from now and man-eater will be vacating my apartment on friday... i was sure they'd be around for the indigo festival!

i dropped off my bag in the office and walked to join mmf and my boss. on the way i ran into a mutual friend of mine and mmf's who's our competition, and it's good that i kept mum on what specifically i'm up to even if it was a little awkward :P

lunch: the food was bad but the philosophy wasn't.

improvement no. 2: a huge monitor, a mouse, a keyboard. very, VERY important.
while the development experience has improved, the work hadn't but at least i wasn't alone in my WTF state. the boss was just as frustrated when he moseyed over to rescue me.

we were both tired, so we called it a day. two half-packed buses (the front parts, obviously) home and a while spent on a side project (a global news aggregator for israelis), then pg and i were off to say farewell to dp. on our way out (9.30pm?) i received a call from a girl claiming to be in connection with a guy who's been trying to get in touch with me for a couple of weeks but appears incapable of following instructions as complicated as "call me on friday."

i told her to call me between 3 and 4pm.

pg and i stopped for shuwarma, then had trouble finding a bus. we eventually caught one... just in time for me to have begun discussing why we laugh.

the evening was pleasant - company and background music - and a discussion on the wonders of living in johannesburg (i did for a year, and was talking to a woman who's going to stay there with her brother for a bit) had pg and i discussing the possibility of organizing a trip to sa during the summer, going through o.z.o.r.a one way and switzerland the other...

we ended up walking all the way home, which was actually quite pleasant.


after hitting coffeeholic to eat, take the last of my antibiotics, post and chat, in the expectation that dp would invite me for the group farewell breakfast (she didn't, but she called later to tell me she'd simply forgotten), i hurried along to campus for a political sit-down. did i diarize it incorrectly? i arrived in time for the last five minutes.

i went to work, reading about male birth control and being blown away by the implications.

work: i figured it out, made some headway. now i'm learning jquery - which is much easier and more comfortable but still prone to the usual sucky documentation which forces an otherwise unnecessary learning curve. i discussed my salary with mmf, and i'm not satisfied with the way things are going... we seem to be constantly talking at cross-purposes. i hope this shit gets sorted out soon.

standing amidst the crowd pushing to get on another half-packed bus i made a snide remark, which was rejoined by the woman next to me: "we're israelis, you don't really expect us to behave rationally, do you?"
i shoved and i hinted and commented abrasively about there being plenty of room at the back and none at the front, to which other passengers grudgingly made way and then stared stupidly as i stood reading comfortably while they all inhaled armpit aromas while our rollercoaster bus driver kept them at awkward angles with each other.

i wonder.

it was 5.30pm before i arrived on campus: those people i mentioned earlier who've had trouble getting hold of me? i know it's something business related, they're either looking to employ me or they need advice. and i have advice for them: buy watches. use a goddamn diary. if you can't respect others' time then you're wasting it.


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