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Sunday, June 26, 2011

exam distractions

i've been pretty good today, and gotten through most of the material for tomorrow morning's exam. having said that...


the argument of the previous post continued, with the most important (in my opinion, of course) note being the following:
"that's exactly the problem. you cannot "kind of" accept people's rights to freedom in choice of life-partner. either you want to turn back the clock a few hundred years and become an entirely religious state, or take the risks inherent in progressing along with the rest of western civilization.

quite frankly, if we choose the former we don't stand a chance of survival. at least with the latter we *might* survive.

our nation's ability to survive relies, as it always has, on our ability to adapt. the ability to adapt has always been our strength, and right now the israeli inability to adapt is our weakness. which is exactly what i was arguing about the other day, and appreciating"

it looks like my primary argument may have been rendered moot, however, by the fact that civil marriages and same-sex marriages (apparently) performed overseas enjoy the same recognition in israel. so i'm stuck repeating my previous sentiment.

my boss jumped in on the argument, citing the internet argument imperative and asking why i remain friends with idiots. i explained to him that if i filter them out, i also put a stop on my ability to influence.


speaking of xkcd, another brilliant strip has spawned an attempt to realize the joke.

speaking of my boos, he's pointed me to xerxes and it's pretty funky stuff.

speaking of comics: WOW.

speaking of... okay, this one bears no resemblance but it's amusing anyway: a response to time magazine calling darth vader a bad father.


dammit! the vegans are back. up for debate: whether governments should ban red meat. the article discusses red *processed* meat. it's not the same thing.

red meat is not actually bad for you. quite the opposite. what is bad for you is vegan propaganda. that shit will make you hate yourself for consuming what you need to be healthy by disguising it as the abuse of animals instead of targeting the people who really do abuse animals. check out the health benefits of humanely raised red meat, and then some fun facts regarding inuit diets.

the fact that we may* well be the "semi-aquatic ape" implies that it would make sense for the inuit diet to be the one we're most adapted for...

* apes? water?
a great video
isn't that awesome?! it blows my mind... it would be nice if the theory drew more scientifically critical attention.

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