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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

location: extra dis

i can't tell for sure, but i think it's getting worse. my appointment to see the jaw dude isn't for another two weeks :(


i didn't do as much today as i'd have liked - i blame protoplasm for finally posting his indian photos - absolutely magnificent. i spent an hour at work being horrified by terrible coding practices (every time i look i'm rewriting more), then hopped to campus for the poetry lecture. what a blessing to go a monday without the italian!

the old, annoying dude was on form today. every time he opened his mouth the entire class cringed, and even our lecturer laughed at him at one point because his outbursts are so ridiculous and off-course. everyone wants to shout STFU but nobody's careless or rude enough to actually do it.

a few of us chatted on the bus home, i picked up a laffa for dinner and moved along to pg's, where i read her poetry and was interrupted by an old friend. then pg and i walked to gordo's.

the evening began half an hour late (so i could have shopped for books on the way) with a really bad speaker promoting a 10:23-style event. it was only about half an hour after that that we saw our first waiter. the waiters were terrible.


the "angry lesbians" who walked out are idiots. yes, yes - it's not pc to call them that but being extreme in anything is bad. here we have a bunch of women so absorbed by the "incorrect" use of male / female terms that they missed the point of the lecture: it was a lecture purely on the physical aspects of being male and female, and demonstrating that the distinctions aren't always so clear. the poor guy speaking to us was trying so hard to please them, struggling to convert every "man" and "woman" to "male" and "female" in spite of the discussion being about sex and not gender, and when he refused to let them railroad him they got up and walked out, as if he wasn't doing his part for the revolution.

shit. the talk was eye-opening and they didn't get it. they got me thinking, though, of other homosexual errors.

i was also bothered by some guy afterwards asking a question to which the answer was "i really don't know enough to talk about it", and after receiving said response then attempted to draw an opinion out of the speaker. it's a skeptics evening, so what exactly are you looking for? what point is made by speculation?!


waking up early to march for national service for ultra-orthodox and non-jews. hope it helps.


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