
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

a hazy end

i'm not physically tired, but mentally completely drained. it's been one tough week. and an unpleasant bellyache followed me around all day.

also, weleda was the first person i saw today. at least it was on the bus, so i nodded a salutation and hurried past to the other side.


the first thing i heard when i got into class is that at the beginning of the semester, when nobody knew my name, i was called "the glasses guy". cute :P

first class was painful as usual. afterwards, we discovered that the new study hall in the library is pretty sweet, and we covered a fair amount and in good fun. pg and i had lunch together once we were done - too much food - and then i walked in to second.

second was off the mark completely. a) his attempt to show that all of dorian gray's behaviour could have been influenced by an opium addiction was reaching in the extreme. b) i found myself giving the class a "hard drugs primer" because our lecturer began with wild statements. they seemed to enjoy it.

after class i argued the definitions of "commodity culture" and "synaesthesia", forgot to tell him to watch the secrets (even though i can't recall why), had him rehash the previous debate (he's still sore) and then finally be informed that he didn't touch my mid-term because the marks he would've added in one place would've been subtracted from somewhere else.


at least he didn't totally throw out the claim that bothered him, but my phrasing was definitely no good.

the last class was tough. none of us were focused, even though the poetry would normally have been really interesting (roethke). i could at least see that i'd like his stuff, but i just couldn't get past the words. too tired.
instead, i found myself breezing through oatmeal comics. damn, he's good.

anime night was very chilled. there weren't a lot of us, but the numbers don't really matter. it's just an excuse to watch on a big screen :)
we watched three episodes of FLCL, and developed some interesting analyses. then we talked for a bit, bussed back to tel aviv and went our separate ways.

now to chill. a big chill.

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