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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, May 14, 2010

happy hour: the return

wednesday night:

nystire came over, and we travelled to mike's place together. on the way, i made a few calls and ascertained (albeit awkwardly) that i *hadn't* made a mistake with the ticket. sweet :)

the evening was fun, although i think that even that first beer was a bit too much for me in the state i was in (tired, confused)... i walked most of the way back with tahoma, who led us into the mcdonald's for ice-cream.

i simply cannot identify with people who go there for a meal. i was amused by their new “coffee shop” thing: in a city whose commerce is primarily coffee based, how sad it is to enter mickey d's for one's caffeine fix!

on the way back, some greaseball was hooting randomly, and i asked him to stop. when he asked why, i (i was tipsy at the time, i'll admit) listed four reasons. he listened to them, then asked me if it bothers me. i answered in the affirmative, and he invited me to come to his window.


when we carried on walking, he began to hoot even more enthusiastically than before, and i knew that there wasn't anything to be done.

i ask myself: “is their any way to fix an ars (or chav, or whatever) without causing him harm?”

i see you
i see you, and you me
your hurt, your fear, your resentment
you fail to see yourself
and you lash out
lashing me to you
i fail to see your self
your hurt, your fear, your resentment
turning me to you
and i see me
and darkness hangs over my house
as i open my eyes inward
to the monsters of my heart

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