
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

how was my day? (part i)

i spent the majority of my day scripting perl. if anyone was to ask how my day went, i'd have to answer "i - don't - know".

i got into the right mode for it eventually, though, and after a few big-picture false starts i think i'm almost done. this is going to save the section a lot more time than originally planned :)

i'm beginning to get the impression that my unit commander really is making an effort to get me released, but that flies in the face of an exclamation of his during the afternoon - "damn! i can't release you, you're a great secretary!": to have use of a phone line, i have to take messages - he's not used to that being done in such a professional manner :P


i just missed my bus again this morning, and it happens suspiciously often - i don't leave the apartment at the same minute each day. specifically this morning i think it was just to taunt me for having had such a hard time waking up [i'm definitely not alone].

it suddenly occurred to me that i could catch my ride at a different point, and i hopped on the next bus and arrived with a few seconds to spare. my ride was blaring metallica - master of puppets in honour of the upcoming concert, and i haven't heard those songs in a long time - it always amuses me that the words and sounds are so deeply ingrained in my memory. i'm still not going to pay to see them, however. not since all their post-reload, napster, some kind of monster craptaculars.

[speaking of craptacular, there's now a way for your bowels to move when you're, well, on the move. toilet humour aside, this certainly does have a lot of positive potential.]

when one has no mail to read, sitting down in front of the computer pre-coffee just seems weird. instead, i paid a visit to my previous team-mate (aren't they all? the farmer, then) and we put up the poster i bought for them a while ago.

idiot girl invited me to the drinks and cakes she brought to celebrate, and she *invested*. the cakes were absolutely phenomenal. a fly got in during her short speech, though, and agreed with our appraisal. one of the guys, in his enthusiasm to remove the threat from our presence, lifted the apple pie and tried to squish the fly with it.
after an incident with his cup that occurred shortly after, the following popped into my head:
you've pounced on the fly with the apple pie,
then squirted your juice right into your eye

it's not everyday one can truthfully connect those thoughts.

i asked someone for help with an application we use very rarely, and was told that nystire was the expert. when i asked nystire for help, he got really agitated... [post cut short on account of my running off to see a show, to be continued]

i've been listening to sundance episode 19 while posting, and it's really good.

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