
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

agitat/excit ed

this morning i removed a couple of magazines from my bag because they were too heavy and i judged them to be excess for the day. the important papers that i needed to take to work just happened to be between them.

i visited the dentist, which wasn't too unpleasant. at least this time i didn't walk out with a gap. [while finding the link, i came across what appears to be the first time i fainted - a mere two weeks after i quite smoking!]

i'm back on base in full force, including phoning in complaints about the food. the complaints department were really on the ball this time. i told the woman i wanted to complain about the soup, and her immediate and completely natural-sounding response was "did it cause you to throw up?"...
accompanied by raucous laughter in the background, i told her that no, it didn't make me throw up - but that's because it was so totally disgusting that i couldn't bring myself to try more than a spoonful.

and i was told later that it actually wasn't mushroom soup.

i've been assigned a rather tricky logistics mission, and that required getting to the far side of the base when i'm already overloaded with work. that was a fair waste of half an hour, because all of logistics were on a sports break. if only they could have sent an email to the rest of us to tell us not to pay them any visits :S

my team-mate - now ex-team-mate - organized my new uniform today, so from tomorrow i'll be looking way spankier. spiffier. neater, tidier, and more productive...

i had difficulty choosing books this evening (i got a gift certificate from up north); i ended up skipping on the religion (or pro-atheism) stuff and went with joann fletcher - cleopatra the great, the woman behind the legend and the taschen 25th anniversary giger [pronunciation from giger's website].

i was running late, but i knew i had to eat so i stopped by bar gurion for a sammich. i was agitated, and i didn't know why, but that agitation has grown since and i can't decide if it's excitement or not.

the apartment i went to see really made its mark solidly. big enough, pretty with only minor fixes necessary and in a superb area... i hope everything follows smoothly from here.

i went to the pharmacy to replace my tweezers this evening. i was hunting them this morning, and couldn't figure out who would take someone else's tweezers - weird! i put up a wanted poster in the bathroom before leaving, but this afternoon a thought suddenly struck, and i called up the kid.

"no, i have my own," he told me. it turns out he's been using my tweezers all along thinking they were his, and i can't decide if that's more funny than gross.

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