
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

not so good

vast suckage. that's how i'm describing the day. i felt physically ill for most of it, too.

a few hours spent on a meeting - productive, but held in an airtight chamber. i'm still having trouble breathing, and because i was the first affected i didn't know that everyone else was having difficulty with the lack of oxygen too.

when our unit commander stepped out, our section commander took his seat and asked us if any of us had any concerns that we weren't comfortable broaching with the unit commander around. i couldn't help myself.
"umm, is this a good time to be discussing global warming?"

okay, it's childish, but it was amusing nonetheless.

most of the rest of the day was wasted fighting with my machine (that got put out of commission on thursday), discussing movies and books, and dealing with lots of arbitrary, unimportant shit that kept cropping up.

around 7.30pm, a few minutes before leaving, i suddenly discovered an enormous gaping hole in all my carefully laid plans, and after getting over the shock and horror and scrabbling frantically at straws, i got a ride out of the base and spent the evening brooding.

yeah, i found a solution. no, it didn't take too long. i'm pissed that i didn't see this before, and it's not something i need to be dealing with when i'm staring at the last grains in the hourglass succumbing to inevitability.

the kid and i pulled a quick run to draw cash, grocery shop and talk linear algebra, and i've sadly been online since.

buffalo springfield - damn

bad science has all sorts of [interesting] [bits] this week.

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