
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

i like them apples

my primary issue yesterday was my routine - i don't really have one. all i know is that i'm no less used to daywalking than i've ever been, and i find it hard to get through the day... late afternoon always sees me doing okay.

i had a haircut yesterday... a real one, not just a shave. that i had to wait for two guys before me was one thing, but having to watch him using the clippers on the guy's beard (as in, a shave for all intents and purposes) and then give his head a solid five-minute massage when he could see that i was getting agitated, and then once he was done with me (only taking five minutes, of course) saying "if you like it, great, if you don't, fuck off" really all came together to make my experience pleasant and memorable.

i discovered yesterday that although i've breezed through the theory of fixed-point binary arithmetic before, i've never actually done it.
i mean, i could tell you all sorts of uninteresting facts about its limitations, but i couldn't tell you how it's implemented.

i kept losing track of what was going on (it didn't help that it was explained in fast hebrew), and eventually had to figure it out for myself because i'm not used to the terminology that nystire was using to try to help me (i'm not kidding, this is sad).

i was disappointed by a really cute girl who'd caught my eye the other day when i overheard her talking to some friends of hers during a cigarette break. i keep forgetting that age and station do matter :(

spot and myself discussing a shirt the mongoose's sister gave me:
"the mongoose's sister gave it to me as a present"
"oh, i thought you meant *my* sister!"
"no, the only thing your sister ever gave me was an STD"
"yeah, she got that from me"

so i spent a couple of hours last night fighting with my satellite phone, i simply couldn't get any of the software that i was given for it to help me upload things. i did manage to get my pc to ask if i wanted to erase all the numbers on the sim, which i thought was fantastic - i'd been trying to backup the numbers to my pc.

i napped with my iron maiden dvd playing in the background, and woke up for a band history lesson before getting all dressed up (okay, i just used a bit of hair-gel for the first time in ages) and catching a shuttle with spot to the cocktail room. much drinking ensued, it was once again an empty house.

i had an amusing chat with ink, which somehow got me her number when i walked out. i've been wondering what i should do with it, considering her potential marital status, but i think i'm going to text her tomorrow and see where that goes.

i took a brisk walk and hopped in a taxi to arrive home by 2am, the booze still throbbing through my veins.


working day 3: hangover. oddly enough, i found it a tad easier to get through the day with the cotton-wool in my head, except for the part where i demonstrated my shameful lack of fixed point skills and essentially had a team-mate sit patiently and solve the damn problem for me.

has it been that long since i've had to think for myself? that's NOT going to happen again.

this afternoon i bought silly-looking headphones at nystire's advising to replace my ipod ones that have been acting up. on the way home i got a chance to put them through their paces, and they're rock solid, comfortable and the audio quality is good in spite of their being quite cheap. and i've been struggling with the silly toys apple supplied :S

i got back into basic exercise this morning, and my tally for the day stands at 350 sit-ups and 80 push-ups. i doubt i'll do more before morning though, because my neck's been giving me trouble the last few days.
i've caught myself sleeping on my belly a couple of times the last week or so, and it comes down to not having enough energy to keep my spine aligned... if i don't manage to stop this i'm going to be taking incredibly unpleasant sick leave.

our fire from the weekend:

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