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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

dreamland oasis

spot and i were almost at the balcony last night when i realized that i'd packed everything except my uniform. we had massive (330g) burgers (with real hamburger lettuce + tomato + onions + bacon), a couple of beers, and a long chat about how batshit insane the last few years have been.

when we left the balcony at 2 / 3 / i don't bloody remember, the manager apologized for us coming to a really crappy reggae night. we enjoyed ourselves anyway - both of us trying to enjoy the cute bartender, but i regress :P
i cannot believe that girl i want to make you sweat is a ub40 song.
either way, most of the music was great.

i was wasted after the long walk home, but i showered and completed a full pre-dentist flossing / brushing, and crashed. wake-up was hard, but we made it to work at 7.15. i changed into uniform, and from there i went off to the city officer.

i was treated by the guy who fixed me up after the uzi accident (i can't find the actual post :S), and he informed me that i don't have receding gums. what i *do* have are teeth that i've worn down with aggressive brushing, and i need to move to sensodyne-style pastes and a special weekly fluoride gel. sounds fun. but at least my gums are fine.

[after having a good laugh, i started feeling bad. don't follow this link if you're eating, alright?]
respect this man's choppers.

i did a bit of shopping, then returned to base. everybody else had worked through the night, some were sleeping, some still going on in a daze. and i had absolutely nothing to do. and i couldn't sleep, because i was the only person without a good excuse. i read and missioned the entire day. and dozed when no-one was looking - catching little dream-pockets which were always terminated abruptly.

that sexy captain came by to say goodbye - she's just been released. i went after her to get her number, but as i approached four guys popped out of nowhere and accosted her, so it became super-awkward, and i just carried on. nystire arrived on base a bit later, after "supper" accompanied me in getting something from my apartment, and then came with to work for a short while.

i'm bloody unhappy. sleep-deprived. the work i have to do right now is frustrating as hell.

cute stuff.

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