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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

the world's throbbing loudly inside my head

i bussed to work last night. the work shift was a fucking nightmare. 165 people in a survey that got stopped halfway through. 3 of us. most of them left multiple messages. we couldn't leave until we'd cleared ALL of them. putting down the phone meant hearing it ring again.

not to mention total exhaustion, but about halfway through i'd forgotten what i was supposed to say. in the middle of phone conversations strange things would come out of my mouth, requiring me to think again in order to correct it.

and we had a lot of stupid people. not as many as thursday's group, but still enough to drive us crazy.

i got a ride (on the back of a bike) to the base - it was bloody FREEZING cold and i didn't have a jacket. i hadn't changed back into uniform, so i was extremely fortunate that one of the guys from the mongoose's section was guarding the gate. they just waved me through, so i shambled to the bathrooms, brushed my teeth and shaved, signed into the base (4.55am), and then went to bed (getting into sleeping gear and removing the weights from my ankles first).

i woke up at 8am. limped to the mess hall. the asshole who wouldn't let me off was obviously too embarrassed to show his face - THREE guys. and all the girls required. they didn't need me at all. but because he didn't show up, they couldn't let me go.

so i spent my day in the kitchens. i only passed out twice, both of them during my hour-long break while i was trying to get out of it. one of those times was in the middle of a sentence to my SC, who let me be. all i remember is talking, then suddenly coming to about 15 minutes later.

and today, the kitchen duty was extra icky. by the time they let us go (they did us a favour, only half an hour later than they were supposed to), i was soaked from attempting to remove the bits and pieces of 'orrible creatures that were clinging to my shirt.

our SC gave me and superkama a ride to the hostel where our unit event took place. we spent about an hour sorting out the elf costumes - they turned out very well indeed. it was fun preparing them.

the event itself was mostly torture. sitting in the dark waiting for the next mind-numbing item. most of the things that happened were just friggin' sad.

spot really did an amazing job as the head of our unit. it was actually kinda creepy to see the two side-by-side.

the movie came out well - although admittedly not as well as last year's. one thing that irked me, the scene wherein i snorted all that salt wasn't shown. i've been told it's only available on the dvd. apparently due to censorship.

whatever. sods.

i bussed to work afterwards, and here i sit. i asked my TL to let me arrive on base late tomorrow. a definite "no", our unit's being inspected tomorrow morning. and what kills me is that the chances of them noticing my absence is so small. and i'm going to be awefully smelly.

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