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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

originally, i was just going to comment...

[copied and pasted from the comment i was intending]
nope, not even worth a post.

the date was pleasant, but a bit weird. it ended with a semi-make-out session that didn't really do it for me.
now i have to try not to be too much of a bastard when it comes to not continuing.

i'm trying on "i like you, but you're really not for me" for size.

and i keep thinking about an (i hear, from the mongoose, fantastically good-looking) english bird i'm going to meet on the weekend - she's looking for a clubbing partner. i'm game.

-- pause --

i just spoke to my mom for half an hour, mostly about leadership and my army experience. i was *REALLY* proud to learn, about an hour ago, that the scout succeeded in the project i gave him, and is extremely pleased with himself. this is all the more impressive because he didn't know a damn thing about this stuff until we taught him.

and the dog has managed to come up with an exceptionally good solution to a huge chunk of our problems. all i'm trying to do is teach him to focus, because when he does he really can carry his weight.

not only that, in general during the past couple of weeks i've worked with a lot of people - mostly going over to ask for help with things in their areas of expertise - and mostly ended up teaching them a thing or two and generally being appreciated.

it's not only nice to have grateful contacts, but i feel as if i'm doing something worthwhile and leaving a bit of a mark.

all this in spite of our commanders. we're going to walk away with good experience - the dog and the scout having learned tons, and me reinforcing valuable life lessons learned (up until now) only in theory.

in other news, one of the women who works with my mom is pregnant, and my mom found her struggling - recognized that she was experiencing contractions, and rushed her off to the hospital in time. my mommy the midwife :) the child was born a few hours later.


  1. "i like you, but you're really not for me"
    Dude, I don't think that one is going to go down well with her.
    Too many unanswered Q's and what does "really not for me" mean?

  2. Moonflake, you're cold harted!

    TW: check out this iol story, thought it would amuse you.

  3. i think i'll go with - "it was kinda weird for me. i felt like i was messing with my sister." i find that satisfies me on all sorts of levels ;)

    schpat - i ran moonflake's idea past a number of people today, and most of them found it not only amusing, but terribly appropriate!

    by the way, that article is totally true - a couple of the guys i guarded with on the weekend serve in that building, and didn't stop complaining about it :D

    w-v: Righteous Boy Captures Wobbling Xyster Cautiously Yielded
    (Xyster: a surgical instrument for scraping bones)


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