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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, September 26, 2005

all good on the home front

i don't know why, but i felt less exhausted when waking up this morning. i got to the base on time, and didn't desperately need coffee!

highlights from the army today:

1) running into java (jar file) problems, and feeling like an idiot. i then consulted with a group that develops enormous java projects, and they scratched their heads and asked me to let them know when i figure it out. i went online, took the first thing that looked liked a possible solution, and played with it. took a while, and a bit of frustration, but i got great satisfaction from going to aforementioned team to teach them how to do it.

2) finishing my Really Sweet Java App, and getting started on the awesome project i was raving about. i'm totally chuffed. i've got two months to develop the required wrappers and templates, and to report on the amount of hours i spend on each phase

3) having to choose between a fun trip with the entire unit, or getting my EMG test done. sucks to drop the trip, but i've delayed the test long enough

4) the mongoose's female friend bringing in WAY too many people into our office to make a movie clip for the jewish new year. THAT was amusing.

5) turns out my commanders both spoke to the dog today, and asked him why i have more financial problems than he does. aside from the fact that he gave them the reasons, and there are plenty - there's also the truth of my "living beyond my means". to be fair, if i wasn't in the army, i would be coining it. i'm kind of happy to suffer when i get immediate results.

the dog joined me for tekken, and then i had to work. so he sat here watching shaun of the dead, and then fahrenheit 9/11. i got through a large portion of the preliminary design, enough to send my contact an email saying that i'll be taking the job, and that it'll take two months.

are two new projects, both two months, coincidental? i dunno. i reckon it just figures. no - i *DIDN'T* mean the literal definition of the word coincidental. at least one of them will cover my expensive habits. and they're both interesting and important.

i got contacted by my relatives in herzeliya, so i'm finally sorted out for the holidays... i was getting worried there for a bit.

i also feel a hell of a lot better about SB. the crushing blow part is almost over, and i felt good enough to have a quick sms conversation with her this morning.

aaaaaaaaaaaaand i'm spent. i'm guarding tomorrow, so wednesday night i'll be back in the real world. i have to be on base early tomorrow, 'cause our systems crashed this evening, and i have to sort it out before working hours.

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