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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

whooooooo wee. and how.

testing last night got stuck, one of my files was all screwed up. it took an hour or so to fix, and i think it was all because i'd used SQL comments instead of vbscript ones.

that's just sad.

we then had to stop anyway because the child of the woman i'm working with wasn't feeling well or something. so that was that.

i finished reading catcher in the rye - nice book. really nice. and i began reading 1984 again - i'd forgotten how brilliantly written it is!

made the bus this morning... he says gratefully... and started the day off pretty chilled. then i had a meeting with my section commander. half an hour discussion, half an hour to an hour screaming at each other. let's just say it wasn't the friendlest conversation.

i do find it amusing that the dog arrived late, and when he came to report in he heard us shouting at each other, and decided it wasn't a good time... he was so right...

i had a meeting with some guy, the section commander, and the other team leader, that was boring as hell. and i didn't understand too much of what was going on. nevermind. we then had a get-together to celebrate our commander's 40th birthday, then another get-together to "celebrate" me being promoted to corporal.

everyone except the commander of the wing knew that i didn't want the promotion... i have this thing about not earning rank properly, and about "staying young forever". it's kind of a joke, kind of for real. either way, there were quite a few amusing speeches, and some really nice things were said.
so that's that. whatever.

a bit later i went to get some lunch with our commander, and ran into the extremely cute navy girl. kind of got to talking with her (pretty arbitrary stuff), and she's even prettier from up close. *sigh*

i spent the afternoon assing around, then realized that i actually had work to do and went off to go do it. didn't really succeed, although apparently since then one of the guys managed to make some progress, but the guys in the responsible department were a lot of fun to deal with.

one of the guys in charge of the base's security called me up and asked me to do them a favour, and guard the 6-10 shift. so i agreed. was a bit of a rush to get my gun, and eat something, and the shift commander was a complete and utter prick. it was as if it was his first time, and he was trying to prove something.

hate those. it's the first time i've felt like closing the ejector port on someone's finger during weapon inspection.

i got placed on the small gate, and that was just fine for the first half of the shift. after that i started getting bored... i'd forgotten to bring a book. in general it was alright though, and hopefully the guys won't go back on their word and they'll drop one of my shifts next month.
i'm getting to know them personally, though, so it shouldn't be a problem.

got released smoothly, the mongoose picked me up and gave me and two girls who live in my area a ride home - which gave us a good chance to talk. i got home, played some counterstrike, and was rudely interrupted by the dog, wanting the serial key for windows 98.


it took half an hour to get it to him, turns out the first key i gave him was correct - he just can't read his own handwriting. and one of the sites i checked out caused the first program crash on my new pc.

which is most distressing.

so i'm about to shower, and then go to bed.

-- damn. the second phase crashed and burned horribly. i have been completely, utterly, and horribly blocked from persueing, and it KILLS me. ESPECIALLY because the first phase went so well. the possibility has been removed at least for the next 2 months, and after that it's still dodgy at best. i'm really upset about that. --

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