it was a weird tuesday. it started off simply, but then gd became scared about her tooth extraction so i accompanied her, but i first had a chat with a recruiter scheduled so i walked while she took the bus.
i looked at the scale this morning, and realized i've climbed past 82kg. not fantastic.
i initially thought it was a phone call, but was then reminded that it was a zoom chat, so that was a bit awkward. more awkward was the fact that i could barely here the recruiter, so we gave up and switched to phone calls, which suffered from reception issues 🤦
anyway, we finally got it right, it sounded like she was happy with my history and what i'm looking for, we'll see.
i arrived at the dental clinic, sat down next to gd, and opened my laptop to try to get some work done. gd, meanwhile, struck up a conversation with the arab dentist's six year old. when she finally went in for her appointment, the kid didn't hesitate to switch his attention to me. he's very cute, and bright, but he's in that phase during which kids barely stop for air while telling stories with no point that never end, and by the time we got out of there i felt like my brain was bleeding out of my ears.
at least gd seems to be doing well post-extraction. that's actually quite big news.
i caught a bus to the office, on the way seeing a question from my boss that made me realize that the thing i got stuck on last night and this morning made absolutely no sense, and between the mma blowout yesterday and this morning's goings-on i didn't even register before forwarding a request for help that missed the point completely...
... so that was embarassing. i walked into what i thought was a strategy/update meeting, explained myself and apologized - interrupted twice by my cousin appearing out of nowhere to hand me his laptop to look after it and take it back, for some reason - and only after that was resolved discovered that the actual purpose of the meeting was to figure out where to have lunch :P
i had to choose between gd's delicious (and healthy) cottage pie leftovers alone, or a burger joint with the team. i've mentioned this "new learning" before, but professionally, nine times out of ten lunch with the team should trump lunch alone.
the vegan burger at vitrina was delicious, albeit a bit small. but the chips portion was large, and i shouldn't have eaten all of it. it was at that point that i decided that it was time to rejoin the rollerblading group.
mr smear lost another tooth today!
the work part of the work day was all over the place, although i definitely learned some things and at least moved forward a little bit.
i played a bit with pokemon pocket over the course of the day, but i didn't feel quite as drawn to it. a big part of that is the battle matching system, which keeps matching me with players who ridiculously out-class me. when i got home, i rediscovered pokemon live, which is the pokemon i played before, and after reading a bit about the differences and trying out its mobile app i'm pretty confident that it's the "real" pokemon game.
it's certainly the full game, as opposed to the pared-down pocket system.
the evening went well until bedtime, we could all have handled it better (a really silly argument over moving a chest of drawers) but it could certainly have been worse.
then i geared up, strapped on my blades, and headed to the group.
it was a really nice night. a good route - an easy one, though by the end of the 17km i was falling apart a little bit - with quite a lot of familiar faces. the last few kilometers i ended up in a riveting conversation with a woman who's just putting together a startup, something that could be really helpful to a lot of women (and something that could have really helped gd a few years back when she was still trying to get pregnant again), and she was really interested when i started talking about gamification.
i made a whole lot of suggestions, and i realized while i was making them that i would love for that to be my actual day job.
i got home feeling pretty good about having gotten a proper workout, and a good social experience, and i'm now stretched and showered and caught up on posting and pretty much ready for bed.
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