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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, November 22, 2024


my sciatica's been acting up again. and i'm tired. it's been real. and tomorrow morning we have to be up early for a class outing to pick oranges and clementines...


gd started feeling really sick with a sinus thing, so i took mr smear to jiujitsu. which worked out, because halfway through things got dramatic and i had to give him a proper coach's talk.

the work day wasn't fun, nor particularly productive. and my manager did something that bothered me, and between that and two of our stars bailing on us i'm beginning to feel some empathy for the guy who's in his last week.


my mom's examination went well, and she's got the all-clear from her doctor. i really hope she watches the movies anyway.


i added the following to my bloons: adventure time review today after getting all of the achievements: 

FINAL FINAL UPDATE: At 500+ hours, I realize I have a problem. I've unlocked all the achievements, a third of my characters are at level 10, and I'm still performing the ritual of the daily quests, but at this point I don't know why I'm still doing it. Every day I'm offended anew that I'm still getting character resources that I no longer need, which, considering the grind to get even a single character to level 10, is simply unfair.

I wonder if I'll be strong enough one day to just quit.


i've spent most of the day just feeling burned out and playing lots of crying suns. while mr smear was at school gd and i did some shopping, in the afternoon mr smear arranged a playdate with his new friend, some of which was cool, and some of which made us concerned that he's going to push another kid away by doing stuff he thinks is funny but that others don't.

we'll see, i guess.

while that was happening, our friends came over for coffee and we had a heavy talk about the bullying situation. i hope that wasn't a mistake. i don't think it was, but it certainly didn't make for a good vibe and their reaction was a little less supportive than i was expecting.

we finished watching the third men in black a short while ago, it's even better than i remembered.


mr smear has been having nightmares about chucky. he's having trouble going to sleep because he's thinking about chucky. i've no idea how he discovered chucky, but we now suspect that he saw that gd was watching it on her netflix account :/

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