
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, November 01, 2023


it is now (technically) wednesday. 

monday and tuesday: pure exhaustion, what feels like a solid combination of physical and emotional. a few rocket attacks, for some reason sounding a lot more aggressive - more rockets, louder. gd's still recovering so she can't go down to the bomb shelter, so it's me and mr smear downstairs while hoping that gd's safe enough in the stairwell.

at least she's got some company - our much older neighbor can't scramble downstairs very well either.

work has been frustrating, but whatever. mr smear's been a mixed bag in terms of behavior, but yesterday he went to a friend who lives close by and apparently he was just fine.

i've barely been getting anything done these days. i know i shouldn't be too hard on myself, but goddamn - i've got it relatively easy and i don't feel like i'm coping particularly well.

i guess two of the biggest sanity-restorers at the moment are inscryption and a family rewatch of hunter x hunter. also, mr smear reading pages from a hebrew-english dictionary the other day to avoid the homework i assigned him (he's really got to improve his reading), and today successfully reading two pages of the hebrew translation of bone: out from boneville which doesn't have nikud (vowels, kind of) and sports a non-trivial font.

prodigy's math game is also going well; we did have a moment the other day where he decided that it wasn't fair that it was forcing him to battle all the time, and i explained to him that most wars are between people who want to fight and people who don't want to fight, just like hamas and israel... war and rocket attacks give a kid a different perspective.

when we came up from the shelter two days ago he was very grateful to find his mother still alive.

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