
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, March 05, 2023

the spring clean

 today was intense.

we've been having an issue with mold for the last while, and it seemed like we were winning until gd took some clothing out of our closet yesterday and was distraught to discover that it was covered in mold. so this morning, after i dropped mr smear at school dressed up as a creepy skeleton and apparently understanding that purim is not halloween and scaring the crap out of other kids isn't what today is about, gd and i set about getting rid of this horrible, shitty infestation.

it was heavy work, but between the two of us we'd organized everything we needed and by the end of the day it looks and feels and smells like we got the job done. there's a little bit left to do tomorrow, but this was a huge endeavor and we ended up having to throw some things out and clean and repack a lot of stuff...


off the top of my head i don't recall what wednesday was about, but thursday was a long day that felt entirely unproductive until everything came together in the evening, and i ended the work week with a complex sense of a) satisfaction that i'd completed an important piece of the puzzle and b) anxiety from what i expected to be the final piece of the puzzle. today got off to a great start, in that i completed the next piece that had been worrying me, but although what i did worked there's something mysterious that appears to be interfering with me testing it.

one step at a time.


the weekend was good, relatively relaxed. yesterday morning was all about me aligning my personal projects and mr smear playing minecraft educational edition, so in the afternoon i took him to the park to throw a frisbee around. we had fun, and he's getting pretty good! but at some point he got bored, and instead of telling me he was bored decided to troll me instead, which made for a bit of unpleasantness. fortunately we both cleared the air quite quickly and enjoyed a good walk back.

i'm reading danny, the champion of the world to mr smear and it's a book i'd completely forgotten reading, only something seemed very familiar in the first two paragraphs and then last night i came across a phrase that caused an *ah-HA* moment: when i was nine i decided that i wanted to be a "designing engineer" and as an adult i've always wondered where that particular combination of words could have come from - now, i know!


gd and i have been watching everything everwhere all at once in bits and pieces, and so far it's surprisingly brilliant considering how much praise we've heard from "normal" types :P

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