
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, November 05, 2022

gearing up for another on-call

 i'm surprisingly relaxed about this coming week, even though the end of the week was stressed for the previous guy and my last one didn't go so well. and even though my legs have been giving me a lot of grief over the past few hours.

the end of my work week was generally positive. i'm not sure if it's enough to make up for the weeks before it, but i finally closed in on the end of the unpleasant project and even got a few hours in on the thing we've all really been wanting me to do.

so that was good.

otherwise, mr smear was feeling ill on thursday morning but seemed well enough to go to school, it was only when gd picked him up that we understood that he really should have stayed home (and me with him). so i felt a bit bad about that.

yesterday morning we went on a mission to pick up another phone (for me, this time). the model i wanted wasn't available, but we picked up an amazing persian breakfast which we ate at home and then i returned alone once it was. overall, the cellphone experience has been very positive!

<TMI WARNING> on the way home i stopped in to a grocery store to pick up an ice cream. i felt i deserved it. i usually don't have much flatulence during the day in spite of being a vegan, and when i do it almost never smells. but as i stood waiting for my turn to pay, an urgent ball of gas formed and i just had to let it out. it was silent, but so awful that i could barely breathe, the cashier gagged and, shocked, asked if it was me; i couldn't bring myself to admit to it, so i rolled my eyes while she desperately sprayed air freshener and her coworker laughingly suggested it might actually be her... i suspect he was just doing it for my benefit.

today was mostly an indoors day, with one mission to get coffee / lunch at timothy's, which was excellent except for gd and mr smear sitting on a bench that was utterly soaked and had had its warning sign ripped off by a previous sociopathic customer.

and we restarted a harry potter movie rewatch today. once a year seems a good amount of times.


i'm VERY excited by the progress with the sonnet comics this week.


i'm rather disappointed with the outcome of tuesday's elections, it must be said. i've been trying to keep the political situation out of mind but morbid curiosity occasionally gets the better of me. i pray the next couple of years won't be too different from normal, but i'm sad that my own people appear to be on a path to polarization / radicalization and i want it to stop.

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