
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

what a week


i don't recall anything specific from sunday.


monday began with a total shift in work focus onto a project i'm completely unfamiliar with. in the afternoon we had an interdepartmental team-building exercise, which we not only won but apparently set a record for: nighthunt. it was great fun, we worked well together, and i definitely proved my value as part of the team's problem solving arsenal ^_^

in spite of the lack of vegan options, i enjoyed dinner + beer + coffee with the guys, although as much as i enjoyed the espresso it really messed with my sleep that night.


yesterday was a half day that started with a glass of dry red wine (a company toast for the new year), as i left early to accompany gd to the hospital for her nerve block and immediately became chief caretaker of mr smear for the next few hours. gd's experience was so dramatically better than her last nerve block it's shocking, because it demonstrates just how incompetent and unprofessional her "pain specialist" doctor actually is (she's taken to referring to him as a jewish dr mengele).

gd has been sore since, but it seems to be having a positive effect.

we ordered dinner from karnaf last night, and we won't be making that mistake again.

otherwise, we finished watching superman:

by and large, it surprisingly still holds up! creepy non-consensual kiss scenes notwithstanding - that warranted a conversation. the only things that *really* bother me are

a) the completely ridiculous notion that being exposed to kryptonite would somehow weaken a child born on that planet, or that a tiny quantity could somehow "undo" the effects of being in proximity to a sun that gives him his powers when they don't even fail him as he travels beneath the earth's crust

b) the going back in time shenanigans.

still fun, though!

mr smear and i both felt ill going to bed last night.


it took me most of the day to start feeling better. mr smear says he's still not doing great but dammit he's going to school tomorrow.

aside from a lot of admin in the morning and a lot of admin after mr smear went to bed - an overwhelming amount - i spent most of the day deep into work in spite of the whirlwind going on around me. i feel like my biggest achievements so far this week involve getting linters to work.

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