
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, August 05, 2022

birthday deliveries

it's mr smear's birthday tomorrow! after about a year of instability and drama and anxieties and moving halfway across the planet into a new language and culture and climate.

so this week we've been spoiling him a little. we began with a couple of comic books* recommended by the mongoose over the weekend, who subsequently rocked up mid-week with another couple of them in hand. we picked up a beautiful children's anatomy book in hebrew along with "anomaton", a human body you can take all the parts out of. i missioned around yesterday evening after work and picked up an x-box controller for him**, and today we all went to the new lego store in dizengoff center and let him pick out a set of his choosing (he went for minecraft, which was surprising considering his enthusiasm for the actual transforming optimus prime, the harry potter series, the marvel superheroes, the star wars stuff***, and pretty much everything else in the store. while in the queue i had to call on gd to back off when i caught her (unconsciously) trying to convince him to reconsider after she'd been eyeballing the harry potter stuff and the ninjago dragons... her birthday's coming up soon enough :P

* okay, these are really a sneaky trick to pull him in to reading in hebrew

** okay, so this is really because it's better for his spine and eyes than him playing minecraft etc. with the keyboard, and so far we've both been enjoying having it ;)

*** a lunchtime conversation this week convinced me to rewatch the original star wars trilogy, and it's going great so far


the last couple of days of the week were high-pressured, i eventually managed to bring the project to code-complete before my on-call next week but there's still a bit more work to do... i'm feeling quite relaxed about everything, though. i don't know if i'm learning to manage my anxiety better or if i'm just all out of ****s to give.


my side project that i invested so much time in? i haven't touched it in half a year, i simply haven't had the bandwidth. i received an email yesterday informing me that the lady who i sat with for two hours and helped put notes together to teach her how to run exports and imports hasn't touched it either in all this time, and has lost her notes. i guess i'm going to have to dive in again, and i'm almost feeling ready to get in there.

speaking of which, we've been making "staycation" plans: i'm taking a week off after my on-call, my first vacation in years, and we've got loads of things to do and family to see.


last week saturday the left side of my middle-back began to spasm, and it was uncomfortably sore and continued threatening spasms until yesterday. this morning i woke up and it felt fine. then on our way back from the lego store my right shoulder did a thing so i'm still in pain, it's just moved like an air bubble when you're trying to smooth out a sticker.

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