
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, February 07, 2021

sunday morning shenanigans

i *think* my last post was on tuesday, but the rest of the week was a blur.

we had serious trouble dropping mr smear off at forest school - high drama farewells, even if he was fine right after - and thursday was an online school day and he behaved really badly from sunrise to sunset. but otherwise he's been pretty good, he even handled his MMR/adacel vaccinations on friday with more bravery than his mother. and his swimming's improving in leaps and bounds, literally as he's starting to enjoy jumping while slowly becoming less enthusiastic about face-planting.

my favourite moment from thursday: i overheard gd during one of the online classes:

"what are you excited about for your new school?"
"no, you're not going to get married and have a baby at your new school"

work-wise: after the week's initial frustrations we hit hump day, and when i say it was all downhill from there what i mean is that the last two days of the week were full of back-to-back mind-melting super-long code reviews.

wednesday evening: i joined a make event to put together a self-watering plant, but halfway through the evening went thoroughly pear-shaped and i've yet to figure out how to connect the pump.

and i suspect that at least a part of my deep exhaustion was due to my still recovering from the nightmare of the week before.


the marilyn manson story has been bothering me for days - yet another phenomenal artist has turned out to be an utter piece of shit and i'm pretty disappointed, in particular because ever since bowling for columbine he's been a bastion of rationality in a thoroughly corrupt industry.

and now, after a couple of days being bothered by this, all i can think of is how literally he has manifested the peter gabriel song sledgehammer


yesterday: a very relaxed saturday morning, i spent a couple of hours learning to play stellaris, went for a walk to pick something up for gd's birthday (yay! it was just opened and appreciated), and spent the afternoon swimming and watching wolfwalkers (passing out and being prodded awake by mr smear). a beautiful movie and a great story for kids, but the character of bill goodfellowe was so irredeemably stupid that it made it impossible to sympathize.

over the course of the past couple of days i've resolved almost all of the outstanding issues with the mobile app i've been developing, and i'm hoping that i'll be able to put together a basic management portal today so that we can begin field testing!


mr smear wanted to surprise his mother for her birthday this morning, i managed to convince him that if i hide behind my computer she wouldn't see me.

<whispering loudly>
"dad! we need it to be darker!"
"then turn off the sun!"

without hesitation, he drew the curtains. so proud.

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