
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

lovely sunday

 so far so good. sleeping late (mr smear tried to rouse me to play, but eventually settled for building up his moon base in little big planet 2 by himself (he's making amazing things), and although i felt horrible (possibly sick) this morning i was doing much better by the time i climbed out of bed.

coffee and determining whether i'd go with flutter or react native (i've been convinced to try flutter after reading a few articles), then a (mostly) nice walk with mr smear for donuts and a really wonderful time sitting on a bench enjoying my second cup in the sun while mr smear went to town on a delicious blue-and-bunny-biscuit topped donut.

i've had a chilled lunchtime, and am now actually installing flutter and will hopefully have something to show (myself) by the end of the day!


the usual start to my saturday, getting up early and learning the few verses i'd been assigned, a nice service and then dropping gd off at the hairdressers and mr smear's bike with protoplasm. i took him to plant for lunch after that, which was a mistake as he still had a runny nose and a cough and an attitude. i regretted getting him a burger.

the afternoon and evening were spent... gosh, i don't know. there was a lot of fighting with mr smear (he's *really* devoted to being defiant lately), and an awesome session with gd practicing and eventually completing the radioactive marshmallow challenge in lbp2. mr smear didn't like not being invited, but he'd already bored both of us way beyond our limits doing his own things... (like filling worlds with stickers)


friday was supposed to be a short day for me, but it was 5.05pm when i finally was ready to publish my work and walk away from my keyboard. the big achievement was getting both mr smear and my passport photos taken! he has RBF, so getting a shot of him not smiling was straightforward :P

mr smear and i had a very unpleasant interaction after i was done working, gd stepped in and we were all quite unhappy for a while, but the resolution was positive for all of us and gd and i appear to be on the same page now so that's good.


i jumped out of bed at 7am with fixes to my prototype bouncing around my head, my boss wasn't as excited about the project as i was but both my coworkers convinced me that these were definitely billable hours and one of them now owes me a case of wine :)

i then found myself volunteering to be responsible for our team's next release, i'd been manic since the night before and the rest of the day was just nuts. also included was a successful cloud deployment that went much smoother than expected and an enjoyable weekly beta programme demo.


and now back to flutter.

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