
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

one, two, skip a few...

wednesday & thursday:

a blur of work, very interesting architecture discussions and right now i don't recall much anything that happened at home except that i was practicing for yesterday's torah reading and time just felt like it was slipping away. and while i can't recall specifics, this whole week has been filled with feeling very proud of mr smear and having quite a lot of fun with him. oh! it's been really cool reading him the jungle book as well as stories and poems by miriam yelen shtekalis.


it was a slow start to the day, i worked out of the gym and while i remembered to take a sweater i managed to leave it at the door. it was freaking COLD. halfway through the day, though, i realized that i can (and should) take my swimming trunks with me whenever i go, and just jump in the jacuzzi a couple of times a day! and take a sweater.

i finally completed my first task (pending integration testing) and spent a good chunk of the workday fiddling with git branches. note to the world: setting up sourcetree and meld on a mac makes an enormous difference to resolving merge conflicts!


my neck's really started hurting again.

i got to the temple a little less late than last week, the first part of the service was nice but then someone sat down near me (not sure which of the someones it was) who smelled like perfumed BO, it was a struggle not to gag and i had to move away. after the torah was taken out i sat down thinking "i have some time to go over my verses", not realizing that the rabbi had assigned me the morning's opening verses and when he called me my heart started pounding in my chest, throat and temples. stage fright again. so i started reading, and then something seemed to happen to my eyes and it became difficult to make out the words.

it was only after the barmitzvah that i learned the reason: the torah scroll we were reading out of is actually a holocaust survivor; it was stolen from a synagogue in czechoslovakia, and after world war ii was sent to london, fixed up about twenty years later and then made its way to cape town. so that's a thing.

i came home intending to rest a bit, other stuff happened and then eventually we all went down to the pool for a really nice hour or two. between the pre-pool and us leaving for protoplasm's 40th birthday party, i managed to make some good progress on an app i've been building for the last couple of weeks and i'm really happy with it so far!

my mom came over to deliver a few new superhero books for mr smear and babysit, we went out to the birthday party and had a lot of fun! we ended up having to leave in a hurry around midnight, but not after meeting some very interesting people and possibly making a fantastic connection for the sonnetcomix project!

this morning:

mr smear woke up around 4am from a nightmare, and wouldn't go back to sleep so i stayed with him for a couple of sleepless hours. load-shedding kicked off at 6am, at which point i learned that the UPS i've hooked the modem up to isn't working at all. as it was light, i moved back to my bed and let gd handle mr smear and his new beloved collection of books, waking up a couple of hours later to find the two of them passed out on the other side of the bed with the books stacked neatly next to them.

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