
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

healthy tired?

i'm feeling that sweeping exhaustion of not having slept enough in a while combined with a very pleasant afternoon and evening in spite of it being the middle of a rather long week.

gd and i went with mr smear to school so that we could watch their end-of-year morning circle shenanigans. first, it was a bit emotional because we missed accidentally missed his concert so he kept checking to see if we were still there... second, his class is full of characters and he and a friend of his insisted on performing solo which was really cute, a bit awkward, and extremely pleasing when mr smear decided to sing a song by himself and all the parents applauded wildly ^_^

third, and my favourite: the "class mom" was being obnoxious, she was in the front row and insisted on standing up to record her kid while blocking everyone else on our side from seeing theirs. we were all irritated, but of course nobody wanted to ruin the experience for the kids so nobody said anything. she happened to be positioned right behind mr smear, though, and at some point she moved his chair.

let me tell you, the shock that registered on her face when he turned to glare at her - and continued to give her the stink-eye every now and again afterwards - and the fact that she was so put out that she actually sat the fuck down? THAT MADE MY DAY. i was proud and amused at the time, but i've been giggling at random intervals since!

a friend of one of my teammate's started asking questions about my tattoos, i subsequently learned that he's actually listening to my podcast and that makes two of my coworkers - i'm quite chuffed!

i got very little work done today, the main reason was that we all got sucked in to a baby shower for toxic crusader. not that any of us cared, though, so basically it was a good excuse to have interesting conversations that weren't related to work until the whole ordeal was over.

also, i had a chat with my line manager about our vacation conditions and the outcome was excellent.

i left work a bit early, came home and took mr smear down to the pool but it was just a *bit* too cold, so we returned home and watched a good chunk of howl's moving castle and animaniacs. i actually spent a good chunk of that time passed out on the couch after a delicious dinner, and after doing some housekeeping (has it been an hour already?) i'm just about ready to go to bed.


i'm disappointed that the guys i spoke to last week shut down when i told them how much i wanted, they could at least have politely declined. i've tentatively talked to a couple of recruiters, but i'm starting to wonder if i wouldn't be happier moving internally rather than leaving my current employer altogether. either way, i'm grateful that i don't feel *stressed* to leave, even if i'm not happy where i am.

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