
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

home healing

i'm exhausted and about to crash. also, very grateful. friday was a long day, our team finally established credibility but about halfway through a meeting my phone started ringing and everything went sideways as my wife informed me that she was leaving the hospital. a few days early. everything became a blur, i ended up taking an uber to the hospital in the middle of friday rush hour to deliver juice and a banana, then rushed home to relieve our nanny and take care of mr smear until my mother could bring gd home.


we played my brother rabbit until they arrived. my brother rabbit is GORGEOUS. but as a parent, it's a really tough game to play with my son, mostly because he keeps being distracted by clever little mechanics when I JUST WANT TO SOLVE THE DAMNED PUZZLE ALREADY!!!

thank jobs i have a phone to play with while he's doing his thing.

also, i'm a bit miffed because he managed to make some progress while i wasn't paying attention and now i've no idea what i missed... i guess we're going to have to play this again afterwards :P


friday night was pretty chilled, my mom helped out a lot and we all tried to go to bed early. unfortunately, between gd's back and my allergies we were both up half the night, but it was as good an excuse as any to get into exapunks, which is excellent.

mr smear and i began yesterday with more of my brother rabbit, we played for ages but eventually got stuck on a difficult puzzle after clearing a level and i needed a break. i did some of my physio exercises, then took him across the road to the gardens to kick a ball around and "practice his taekwondo" (he's basically doing lunges, but it's fun so whatever). we had a pretty good time milling around, but on our way home to get some food he was unpleasant to a toddler who wanted to play with him and dealing with that just sucked the joy out of the excursion.

and then we got home and he did *not* want to eat anything, anyway. i really tried to get into elevator saga, but it's more irritating than challenging and i think i'm over it.

around 4.30 my mom took me and mr smear to the mall, i was just in time to pick up emergency stuff for gd and managed to do the grocery run pretty quickly. our friends met us there - all sick - and came home with us, we all seemed to have had a miscommunication regarding how long they'd be staying and instead of visiting for an hour or so they stayed for dinner. hanging out with the adults is always pleasant, but running after our two kids who constantly switch between playing nicely and fighting and keeping tabs on their kid who's... not very unhygienic... was utterly draining.

the curry club dinner was amazing as always.

i seem to have sorted out the new web service's email blacklisting (one day, if i ever have the bandwidth, i'd love to get involved in the email server projects and try to get them to be less inaccessible to normal people).

getting mr smear to bed: after showering and brushing teeth we were both enjoying the songs off the usual playlist, i picked him up to dance and he almost fell asleep in my arms. he's a bit too big for that, but so much nostalgia and i put him to bed reading the magic pudding and feeling really grateful.

i played exapunks until late,  went to bed, and mostly slept well. i'm thoroughly exhausted this morning, i was a bit resentful when gd decided she needed us to join her outside in the wind before breakfast but then got over it, and now we're off for a playdate across the road.

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